
Notification upon certification renewal

  • 12 February 2024
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 3

Hello everyone,

I checked the forum to see if there’s already a post about this, but couldn’t find anything. 

I was testing certifications and notifications on our Sandbox and noticed that we have notifications in the database for when a certification gets issued and when a certification is about to expire. But there isn’t a notification for the successful renewal of a certification. 

From an end user perspective, when I receive a notification that a certification is about to expire and I retake that course, I would expect to also receive a notification confirming that my certification has been renewed, with the new expiry date. However, the notification for an issued certification seems to be only sent for upon first completion, not for the retakes. Can anyone confirm this or am I doing something wrong? At least when I tested it and renewed my certification I didn’t get another email about a successful renewal.

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