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Notifications for Comments to SuperAdmins

  • 20 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Is there any way to have comments on Assets and Courses to trigger a notification that is only sent to SuperAdmins. We always want to know when a comment comes up on any asset or course to ensure we can respond promptly. 

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

We were not aware this was an option so we get copied on every notification that the system sends and we can easily respond when there is a reply to a notification.  Will definitely following this question in case this is an option.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Not sure about comments on Assets but for courses there are 2 versions you can use based on the course widgets...there is one for comments and another for Forums. From what I can see, both allows you to configure it to go the superadmins…

the Forum widget seems to allow this same set-up for all 3 templates…

As for Assets, if you make the supe also the expert, you should be able to use those notifications to get them notified.
