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I am a new LMS Administrator and was wondering what everyone’s best practice for course enrollment notifications are.

Currently we have a notification that goes out to users when they enroll in a course that says something like “you have been enrolled in the course COURSENAME” etc etc. This is set for all courses, including both ILT and Elearnings. 

The problem we are experiencing is when a user enrolls into an ILT on the course level, they receive an email that says they have been enrolled into the course but the average/nonexperienced user doesn’t always realize they still need to enroll into a session. This has been causing some confusion because the email says you are enrolled in the course and some users don’t quite get the idea of courses vs sessions. 

(I really wish there was separate notification rules for ILT Courses and ELearning Courses so that the ILT notifications can be crafted to say make sure to enroll in a session)


How do you handle this?

Do you have two notification rules one selecting all ILT coures with specific language and another selecting all Elearning courses? 

Do you craft the email to mention “If this is an Instructor led training, please make sure to register for a session?

Any other ways that I am not thinking about? 

Let me know if you have this issue as well or if think I am going about this the wrong way! 

Thank you! 




Yes, You should have course enrollments for Elearnings and session enrollments for ILT’s.  


Alternatively, you could have a separate course level enrollment notification for ILT, and then in the body indicate the need to choose a session.  This is how we solve for ILT auto enrollments that auto enroll to a course to let the user know to sign up for a session.

Agree, we do not use the course enrolment email for ILT, just the Session enrolment otherwise it’s too much for users.

I am struggling with the same issue, @B0LT. As a one-person LMS admin, I don’t have time to set separate notifications for each course, so all my notifications have to be defaults applied to All Courses. So that means my learners get one notification for the course enrollment and one notification for the ILT session enrollment. I wish that weren’t the case, but to deal with it, this is what I’ve had to do:

Course Enrollments contain a line that says “If this is an instructor-led course, you will receive a separate email with scheduling information.”

ILT enrollments don’t mention “enrollment.” It says “Here is your schedule for the XXXX course.” This notification includes the calendar attachment file as well.

It’s not a perfect solution, but its what I have at the moment.

Thanks for the responses, this was very helpful. Have a great week! 



Honestly, I think this is a system flaw that needs to be fixed. If you agree, here is the suggestion for upvoting. Please share it.


My recommendation is that Docebo has a separate notification for eLearnings like they do for ILT, or they have a drop down option to select eLearnings. Right now they have overlapping functionality that does not make sense/ is not a value add to the users of the platform. 
