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We’re using the platform for in-house programs and I’m thinking through the learner notificaitons. I’m hoping someone can answer my question.
I upload users into the system and they receive the welcome LN that says IF you want to access your materails on-line, please create your account. It takes them to their dashboard which only contains the course materials (there will be no ILTs as it’s in-house). 

The other Learner Notification they’ll receive is the evaluation at the end of their final in-house session.

Question 1: if the person did not want to create an account, will they still be sent the evaluation notification becuase they’re in the system?

Question 2: Is there an email confirmation that automatically sends but only IF they go ahead and Log-in, creating their account? (I can’t seem to find one.)

Question 3: How do I notifiy users with an evaluation email (with link) if there’s no ILT session to attach it to? Normally, I’d send this eval email 1hr after the final ILT, but if there are no ILTs, what Learner Notification do I use? 

Hi @Nicole, thank you for reaching out to the community about this! I’m a little unclear about your use case--are you saying these users technically have accounts within the LMS, they simply haven’t accessed them?

Hi @elliott.vickrey 
Sure! When we offer virtual programs I can tie an email to the final live ILT that’ll arrive 1 hr after it’s finished to say, hey! fill out your eval form. However, when we offer in-person programs, we don’t create an ILT. The learner accesses the platform to read their materials only. So what I want to do is send an email after their in-person session to say attached is your eval. It’d be great if I could do this, but can’t tie it to anything. There’s no live session to tie it to. We don’t want to tie it to a learning plan becuase then it wouldn’t send exactly when we wanted it which is right after their in-person program finishes. It’d be great if I could set up an email on the platform to email learners on a specific date and time of my choosing. Hope that helps.  
