I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on a potential workaround for an issue we have.
Our LMS instance is fed from our HR system call ‘itrent’. in our organisation people can have multiple contracts e.g. a part time role for 3 days, a temp role that happens occasionally etc. Its not unusual for some people to have a number of temporary contracts.
The impact this has on the LMS is that the data for fields like ‘job title’, ‘reporting unit’, ‘manager’ come across for all contracts in what i think must be date order. So the details for someone's main job (even if that's the job they are in 4 days a week), could end up in ‘Job title 3’, ‘reporting unit 3’, ‘manager 3’.
This is a problem for things like:
- The manager not being able to see all details for someone as they are not manager number 1
- All managers getting manager related notifications. I only want the notification/approval to go to the manager of their main job.
- Not being able to group people easily as they can appear in multiple branches.
So my question is, does anyone else have this problem and/or does anything know how we can ‘prioritise’ certain roles to be used over others?
I know the LMS doesn't have the concept of a ‘primary role’, and im trying to work with our suppliers to find out if there is something can do to prioritise roles before they get to the LMS, but can anyone think of a work around in the LMS itself.