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We make use of Articulate Rise, and I noticed they just released a new Microlearning content type (

After some initial exploration of the Microlearning content type, I immediately thought of how well it aligns with the type of content we author and publish to Discover, Coach, and Share (DCS) channels on our Docebo site.

Similarly, I know Docebo Shape authors its content in a SCORM format and can be published to DCS channels. Knowing that, I wasn’t sure if there was a way to publish SCORM/xAPI content authored with something other than Shape could be published as an asset to a DCS channel?


I’m certainly aware of and familiar with publishing Courses (which can obviously have SCORM/xAPI content within them) to DCS channels, but was hoping to avoid the added weight/technical debt of creating a course for some of the simpler items we author and publish to our site.

If you didn’t care about tracking completion or scoring, could you just use the share link from Rise and add it as a link to a channel in Docebo? I don’t love the user experience for sharing links to other webpages in Docebo, but it could be a very elementary solution to your problem.


PS. I really don’t think there is a way to add SCORM content to channels without going through the Course Management area.

Hello @dgladfelter,

I am Alberto, the product manager of the Docebo Shape module.

As @IanMonk wrote, it’s not possible for now to upload SCORM/xAPI content as an asset in a channel, unfortunately.

DC&S does not embed Shape content as an xAPI package inside DC&S but as an HTML video player.

You could submit a new idea on this portal so that your request can be voted on and considered.

Thank you for your question!



@IanMonk & @alberto.galimberti 


Thank you both for your replies.

I hadn’t thought of the possibility of using preview links from Rise. Quickly testing that idea, it’s certainly a viable pathway to get people to the Rise content. What I wasn’t wild about was the way, like all links in DC&S, the Rise content opens in a new browser tab.

I could be missing something, but the Rise preview link idea would be perfect for the use cases I have in mind if there was a way to get DC&S to display the link inside an iframe (or something similar to an iframe) within the platform. Somewhat like the way DC&S displays YouTube links as embedded videos within the platform (letting people play the video without leaving the platform).


Nonetheless, I do appreciate each of your replies. For the time being, Courses appear to be the best strategy to provide an in-platform experience for my learners. I’ll certainly create an Idea here in the community.


Thanks again!

I’ve also been looking at the new microlearning from RISE and would love to be able to add it as a SCORM to a channel … creating a course for it is not the ideal solution … I’d also like it if we could put the SCORM in the central repository and then add it to either a Channel OR a course so that using the microlearning in either would record it as completed.


Although the RISE preview will technically work, that would be a lot of traffic being drive to a preview platform that is not intended for learning delivery! 


If you do post it as a request for future development, I will be voting for it!

This is great. IMHO The microlearning capability is a little “meh” as a release for Rise 360. It is clever to add another level of navigation and to slate it as microlearning all together.That said, I tip my hat to whomever did the lift.

@IanMonk covered an option and a downside of doing what is mentioned - the experience will involve opening new tabs/windows. I do think a person would gain from having an S3 bucket that has an HTML Server (@Bfarkas - keep my straight on the tech I am suggesting kind sir) sitting side by side with their platform for stuff just like this.

Please keep in mind - that by exposing that url? You are now exposing a Rise course that could be edited just in time by an author or collaborator. There are definite gains and downsides to it. In otherwords, on a next refresh? The course can show its edits - all the good and the bad that come with rapid authoring.

I do think with better practices in mind - you can copy a line of “production level material” and leverage Rise and servers directly to support a layer (and keep your stuff that is live organized in folders that are exposed to the world). But security can now be a whole new problem for you - you will definitely want to set a password if any intellectual property is in your microlearning course - which by its nature? Maybe enough to turn a learner off (these things should get to people fast).

And if you dont? You can land up with a chain of custody concern. Potentially, anyone with those urls have a method of looking at your material at that level.

We really need that S3 bucket for HTML being an inline experience when we can support HTML formatted material with Docebo. I came from a learning system where we were given direct access to an SFTP site that also was an HTML server.

BTW? Embedding/Iframing that content onto a page will give you another thing to content with, the responsiveness of the content can be an issue for you.

We make use of Articulate Rise, and I noticed they just released a new Microlearning content type (

After some initial exploration of the Microlearning content type, I immediately thought of how well it aligns with the type of content we author and publish to Discover, Coach, and Share (DCS) channels on our Docebo site.

Similarly, I know Docebo Shape authors its content in a SCORM format and can be published to DCS channels. Knowing that, I wasn’t sure if there was a way to publish SCORM/xAPI content authored with something other than Shape could be published as an asset to a DCS channel?


I’m certainly aware of and familiar with publishing Courses (which can obviously have SCORM/xAPI content within them) to DCS channels, but was hoping to avoid the added weight/technical debt of creating a course for some of the simpler items we author and publish to our site.

Just taking a step back, can you do what you are suggesting above, but just make one like master course of all this type of content so you don’t have to make a new shell everytime? Just think of it like a repository course?
