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Required Trainings across increasing number of groups

  • 19 July 2024
  • 5 replies

Hi all!


We have been running compliance-type trainings for several years and use the following model to ensure completion:

  • Groups (automatic assignment based on tenure, role, country)
  • Matching Learning Plan (an assortment of 6 trainings based on what’s required for who)
  • Badge Assigned upon Learning Plan complete (which triggers a webhook to maintain systems access through our SSO)

So this way, we know learners are getting the right training and are completing it.  It’s been working great...until now!


This year, we now have 3 additional trainings that are not assigned based on a manual csv, not automatic logic.  I could create a group and learning plan for EVERY permutation, but that seems unwise at this scale.


We’ve been scouring our brains and Docebo for other workarounds, but are feeling kind of stumped.  Has anyone in this group attacked a situation like this, without creating a mountain of backend admin work?  We’d love to be able to:

  • Enroll learners in a specific list of courses (or an LP of those courses)
  • Ensure the learner and admin knows when the learner has completed all that has been assigned to them
  • Tie into a webhook that can maintain systems control (which motivates the learner to complete their assignments).

Thank you!

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Catherine H. Walker Hi, Catherine … One thing I’ve learned over about 10+ years of managing multiple LMS platforms is that consistency is important. Have a design and stick to it. Admins have a lot of work, yes, but if it’s the SAME work, fewer errors will happen. And when new admins come along...well, it’s just easier for them to get up to speed.

In reading over your requirements, it seems like there isn’t anything that is not met by your current process.

I’m not sure I can intuit your registration process from the information given, but if self-registration is involved, perhaps using the approach where they have to provide a registration code (Admin > Advanced Settings > Registration Code Usage).

Another idea would be to use an additional field for these persons, and from there you could build a group… groups are good things 😃

Perhaps the question you should ask is, how can I automate the current process even more?

Happy to discuss further.

Thank you so much @KMallette!


If I said these variations would require the creation of 48 groups and 48 Learning Plans...would you bat an eye?  We’re new in our use of this model, so it’s hard to say if this is reasonable admin work or not.

I don’t mind the work, but suppose I was hoping for a smarter approach, if possible!

Thanks again for your insight.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Thank you so much @KMallette!


If I said these variations would require the creation of 48 groups and 48 Learning Plans...would you bat an eye?  We’re new in our use of this model, so it’s hard to say if this is reasonable admin work or not.

I don’t mind the work, but suppose I was hoping for a smarter approach, if possible!

Thanks again for your insight.

Yes, 48 is a lot… best wishes!!!

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Can I ask a few clarifying questions, @Catherine H. Walker?

  1. Your original post said, “We have been running compliance-type trainings for several years and use the following model to ensure completion”, but later you said, “We’re new in our use of this model”. I’m not sure which part is new, is it just the part about manual group assignments?
  2. It sounds like the main advantage of using learning plans is this badge set-up? I mean, I know that it can offer some clarity to the user as well, but to me at least that comes across as secondary and probably easier to work around.
  3. Is there a particular reason why you need to use a webhook to maintain systems access? And can you elaborate on what service you’re using for that part, is it something like Okta? 

I think there might be a smarter way, but it’s hard to know for sure at this stage, and what @KMallette said earlier about the value of consistency rings true. I wouldn’t want to advise changing your approach unless I was confident that it was worth the time and effort.

Thanks @Ian!


To clarify:

1 - we’ve used the automated group logic for several years, but not automated + manual combinations with so many permutations.

2 - The main advantage of the learning plans is that it’s very clear to the learner when they’re done with what’s been assigned to them (they get an email notif tied to learner completes Learning Plan).  And it’s also clear to the admins that they’re done (which ties into #3 below).

3 - The webhook ties into Okta, so that if someone doesn’t complete their required trainings, they are blocked from several things in Okta (to act as motivation).  It really reduces the amount of time spent “chasing” down learners.
