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I am updating training material and it has significant changes. I need everyone to re-do the training so how do I do this so it resets their record from completed to enrolled?

Is there also a notification that I can set up that will alert them?

you might want to look at using Enrolment Archiving instead. You can reset and re-enroll all your users at once. If you have your notifications already set-up for enrolments on this course, users will receive an email when they have been re-enrolled.


Thank you @lrnlab - that’s done the trick!

Thank you @lrnlab - that’s done the trick!

glad to help…

Just be sure to fully test as this new function is pretty basic. You cannot edit or delete an archived record and reports on archived records do not include data from your user additional fields at the moment + there are many other gaps, etc. That said, it does the job for now. You can have a look at these ideas and vote up any you like.

