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We have a slightly odd situation where we have assets that are in a large number of channels, in this case the asset is an infographic showing how to use the share option in coach and share.

Some of the channels are restricted to a branch and others are public and open to all branches...and I realise as I type this that the solution is probably going to be not to reuse the assets in this way.

Over the weekend a learner hasasked a question about the asset...and the notification about the question went to experts in the restricted channel who do not know the learner.  Is this how we should expect the notification to behave?  We have previously had to turn off other notifications where the system rules seemed too loose, has anyone else come across this scenario?

This is an interesting post. Although I do not have a solution for you, we are actually in the process of overlapping a few assets in our platform too based on access levels, so it is interesting this occurred and something I will also have to keep an eye on. 

Now I will ask, in our situation even if the expert didn’t know the user the concept or question they may be asking about is something they are considered an expert on, so is there an issue with them responding to answer the request even if they aren’t familiar? I’m just thinking out loud here but in our company I’m not sure it would be too big of an issue. 

@joanna.lay Yes, @Stephanie Dreiling this is an interesting post. I have avoided putting assets in multiple channels mostly because a lot of our stuff is pdf and I’ve been afraid of losing control of updated content - like when someone updates a pdf and it’s in multiple channels - it’s more work and I am afraid I might miss something. To avoid the static pdf problem I am converting content over time to Google Slides so that it can be updated real-time. As an aside, I use Google Slides over Google Docs b/c weirdly enough Docebo lets the user do more with Slides (like print, download as pptx, and open in Google Slides where the user can save their own copy to edit and print -- this is important to our users). For an asset like a how-to on using something in the platform, I have a “Using the Learning Center” channel that everyone has access to. I am expecting that going forward I will have to have overlapping assets as we bring on more subscriber types, so definitely a good heads up about the “experts assigned” issue. Luckily we have a very small number of experts so it probably won’t cause too much of any issue. 

This is an interesting post. Although I do not have a solution for you, we are actually in the process of overlapping a few assets in our platform too based on access levels, so it is interesting this occurred and something I will also have to keep an eye on. 

Now I will ask, in our situation even if the expert didn’t know the user the concept or question they may be asking about is something they are considered an expert on, so is there an issue with them responding to answer the request even if they aren’t familiar? I’m just thinking out loud here but in our company I’m not sure it would be too big of an issue. 

Normally I’d agree with you, it shouldn’t matter, but the question they asked was actually quite bizarre and so the experts is confused and bemused.  I’ve told them to ignore the question and I’ll answer it, but it has made me think about whether this notification works for our scenario.

@joanna.lay Yes, @Stephanie Dreiling this is an interesting post. I have avoided putting assets in multiple channels mostly because a lot of our stuff is pdf and I’ve been afraid of losing control of updated content - like when someone updates a pdf and it’s in multiple channels - it’s more work and I am afraid I might miss something. To avoid the static pdf problem I am converting content over time to Google Slides so that it can be updated real-time. As an aside, I use Google Slides over Google Docs b/c weirdly enough Docebo lets the user do more with Slides (like print, download as pptx, and open in Google Slides where the user can save their own copy to edit and print -- this is important to our users). For an asset like a how-to on using something in the platform, I have a “Using the Learning Center” channel that everyone has access to. I am expecting that going forward I will have to have overlapping assets as we bring on more subscriber types, so definitely a good heads up about the “experts assigned” issue. Luckily we have a very small number of experts so it probably won’t cause too much of any issue. 

Thanks Cindy, we were having the same issue with pdf until the sharing functionality update a few months ago.  You can now update the pdf files within the asset - which was a change that I got ridiculously excited about having put up pdf’s and then spotted a spelling mistake!

For anything that may change like this have been producing a web version via LucidPress and linking to it rather than adding the file so that we can make updates easily.

@joanna.lay Yes, I am aware of the update to pdfs which I was excited about too. We do have some pdfs but I’d rather not have to even touch the asset when there’s any change. Interesting that you are using Lucidpress. We use Lucidchart and Lucidspark quite a bit. I’ll have to give Lucidpress a look/see. One thing I didn’t like about linking to a Lucidchart was that in Docebo it shows up as just a link - you don’t get a preview of the doc. Is that how it works for you too or is there some sort of setting that will allow a preview? 

@joanna.lay Yes, I am aware of the update to pdfs which I was excited about too. We do have some pdfs but I’d rather not have to even touch the asset when there’s any change. Interesting that you are using Lucidpress. We use Lucidchart and Lucidspark quite a bit. I’ll have to give Lucidpress a look/see. One thing I didn’t like about linking to a Lucidchart was that in Docebo it shows up as just a link - you don’t get a preview of the doc. Is that how it works for you too or is there some sort of setting that will allow a preview? 

@Cindy McElhinney we’re doing the same as you.  It would be great if we could set assets to open the links automatically as an option, but I’ve not seen a way to do that yet.

Hey everyone, one thing that could help with this too is the ability of the new cohort coming this month. This would allow you to control the visibility of an individual channel in the case that you wanted people to only interact with a select group instead of recreating channels where this information could cause confusion.

I’m glad you posted about this!  We are in the same boat as you where we learned the hard way that the notification went out to all of our experts. 


We ended up turning the notification off and created scheduled reports to go out daily to the experts of specific channels so that they can see there are new questions asked for them to answer.

This thread is packed with helpful info and ideas! LOVE THIS.


@joanna.lay I want to make sure I have a really clear understanding of what’s happening in your case because it seems like there may be an unintended outcome occurring.


Let me know whether or not this summary of the issue you’re experiencing is accurate

  1. You have an asset, this infographic (among other assets), that exists in multiple channels
  2. Some channels that include this asset have visibility set to All Groups and Branches 
  3. Other channels that include this asset have visibility set to a limited set of Groups and/or Branches
  4. WHEN learner asked a question on the asset in a channel with visibility set to All Groups and Branches
  5. THEN multiple experts only assigned to a channel with visibility set to a limited set of Groups and/or Branches received the New Question to Expert notification about the learner who asked the question in a channel the expert was not assigned to

Is that accurate? If so,

  1. Did all experts not assigned to the channel this learner asked the question in receive a notification? 
  2. Can you confirm this learner definitely isn’t in any of the groups and/or branches that have visibility to other channels that have limited visibility?

This one really has me stumped! If you can confirm all of the above, it seems to me like this might be a bug and we could escalate this one to support. I would only expect Experts to receive notifications for channels they’re assigned, never for channels they’re not assigned – even if there’s an asset that exists in multiple channels.

This conversation is very interesting, I'll add  some clarifications and updates
(let me quickly introduce myself, I’m Marco from the Informal Learning Product Team in Docebo)

I see 2 main topics covered.

One is the visibility of the assets, the current behavior is the following:

If an asset is shared in different channels with different visibility, the Q&A visibility for this asset is merged,  (the sum of the visibilities of each channel), are not segregated by channel

If I share an asset to the channel “Marketing” with Mario as an expert and visible only to the Marketing people
to the Channel “Sales” visible only to the salespeople and Luigi as expert 

The 2 visibilities get merged, and salespeople can see marketing questions people in the Q/A and vice versa. 

Same for the experts, they’ll see all questions in the assets regardless of who asked it.

This behavior fits perfectly with an approach of “sharing knowledge” and is widely used by our customers.

But in some scenarios, where segregation of visibility is mandatory, to manage visibility was necessary an additional effort by the admins, as to split visibility they had to share the same asset in different channels, different times.

For this reason, we are going to shortly release live (already testable in customer sandboxes) a feature called "cohort".

Basically, with Cohort, you can define “Visibility Groups” for a channel, and people within a visibility group can see Q/A, comments, and shared assets made only by people in the same visibility groups, admin, and experts (but not the ones of the users of the other visibility group)

Superadmins and Expert will be able to filter, to see Q/A, comments, and Assets only from one or more “visibility groups” with a simple filtering
Cohort is helping a lot in similar scenarios, but this is the typical case where first-hand feedback about the usage in specific business needs is very useful for us to evolve the feature, so if you have the opportunity to test according to your business case, please, feel free to give any feedback or suggestion 

The second topic  is about  notifications 

The platform notification currently works in this way.

Given I am an expert and an asset is shared in multiple channels including the ones where I’m an expert I receive notifications for all the ask the expert in this asset. 
Was designed in this way to match the current behavior of an expert being able to see already all the questions in the asset, regardless of the author of the question is a member of a channel where the expert is an expert or not.

The optimal behavior in the use case mentioned above is

Given I am an expert and an asset is shared in multiple channels including the ones where I'm an expert I receive notifications only for the questions made by a member of the channel where I'm an expert

This is very good feedback indeed and makes more sense also given the approaching release of cohorts, so I’ll evaluate with my team.

thanks for the precious feedback

This thread is packed with helpful info and ideas! LOVE THIS.


@joanna.lay I want to make sure I have a really clear understanding of what’s happening in your case because it seems like there may be an unintended outcome occurring.


Let me know whether or not this summary of the issue you’re experiencing is accurate

  1. You have an asset, this infographic (among other assets), that exists in multiple channels
  2. Some channels that include this asset have visibility set to All Groups and Branches 
  3. Other channels that include this asset have visibility set to a limited set of Groups and/or Branches
  4. WHEN learner asked a question on the asset in a channel with visibility set to All Groups and Branches
  5. THEN multiple experts only assigned to a channel with visibility set to a limited set of Groups and/or Branches received the New Question to Expert notification about the learner who asked the question in a channel the expert was not assigned to

Is that accurate? If so,

  1. Did all experts not assigned to the channel this learner asked the question in receive a notification? 
  2. Can you confirm this learner definitely isn’t in any of the groups and/or branches that have visibility to other channels that have limited visibility?

This one really has me stumped! If you can confirm all of the above, it seems to me like this might be a bug and we could escalate this one to support. I would only expect Experts to receive notifications for channels they’re assigned, never for channels they’re not assigned – even if there’s an asset that exists in multiple channels.

Hi Adam,

yes, that’s all correct.  Yes, all the experts do receive the notification and the learner definitely isn’t in the same branch as the experts.  We are using branches rather than groups for our channel set up.


This conversation is very interesting, I'll add  some clarifications and updates
(let me quickly introduce myself, I’m Marco from the Informal Learning Product Team in Docebo)

I see 2 main topics covered.

One is the visibility of the assets, the current behavior is the following:

If an asset is shared in different channels with different visibility, the Q&A visibility for this asset is merged,  (the sum of the visibilities of each channel), are not segregated by channel

If I share an asset to the channel “Marketing” with Mario as an expert and visible only to the Marketing people
to the Channel “Sales” visible only to the salespeople and Luigi as expert 

The 2 visibilities get merged, and salespeople can see marketing questions people in the Q/A and vice versa. 

Same for the experts, they’ll see all questions in the assets regardless of who asked it.

This behavior fits perfectly with an approach of “sharing knowledge” and is widely used by our customers.

But in some scenarios, where segregation of visibility is mandatory, to manage visibility was necessary an additional effort by the admins, as to split visibility they had to share the same asset in different channels, different times.

For this reason, we are going to shortly release live (already testable in customer sandboxes) a feature called "cohort".

Basically, with Cohort, you can define “Visibility Groups” for a channel, and people within a visibility group can see Q/A, comments, and shared assets made only by people in the same visibility groups, admin, and experts (but not the ones of the users of the other visibility group)

Superadmins and Expert will be able to filter, to see Q/A, comments, and Assets only from one or more “visibility groups” with a simple filtering
Cohort is helping a lot in similar scenarios, but this is the typical case where first-hand feedback about the usage in specific business needs is very useful for us to evolve the feature, so if you have the opportunity to test according to your business case, please, feel free to give any feedback or suggestion to your Customer Success Manager, they will forward to my team and if needed will organize a call to investigate further.

The second topic  is about  notifications 

The platform notification currently works in this way.

Given I am an expert and an asset is shared in multiple channels including the ones where I’m an expert I receive notifications for all the ask the expert in this asset. 
Was designed in this way to match the current behavior of an expert being able to see already all the questions in the asset, regardless of the author of the question is a member of a channel where the expert is an expert or not.

The optimal behavior in the use case mentioned above is

Given I am an expert and an asset is shared in multiple channels including the ones where I'm an expert I receive notifications only for the questions made by a member of the channel where I'm an expert

This is very good feedback indeed and makes more sense also given the approaching release of cohorts, so I’ll evaluate with my team.

thanks for the precious feedback

Thanks Marco, I’ve been having a look at cohorts and I agree that in this scenario it would help us except that we use branches for our channels and not groups.  

This is excellent. Thank you for that detailed clarification @Marco.T and thank you @joanna.lay for pointing out this behavior! I’ve learned so much from this thread already.


As Marco said, this feedback is extremely valuable for us to better understand ideal functionality for you and other customers. It looks like Marco is on it, evaluating this feedback with his team to figure out how we can help you here.

Hi folks, there is another issue with the notifications not addressed here…


When creating the notification, New Question to Expert, the template pulls in the logo which is fine if you are using sub domains. With Extended enterprise, we cannot customize these emails so we are left with only 1 choice, remove the logo and any marking that could relate to another domain. This makes this and other similar notifications VERY generic and could be considered as spam if the expert does not know what they are. 

When creating the notification, there are no options for Branches/Groups. I get that the Cohort feature works great for Channel access but the notifs as they are, are barely useable.

Looked through all DCS templates and none have this option. This needs to be addressed. 

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