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Save audit trail filters

  • 26 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Is there a way to save a default list of audit trail filters?

2 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi @bevpie,

It isn’t possible to save any Audit Trail filters at this time, unfortunately. This might be an excellent candidate for an Idea suggestion.

I imagine that you have specific types of Audit Trail data that you want to export from the system on a regular basis? The only way I can imagine doing this today is via API requests, possibly through an application like Postman.

If you feel you have technical know-how 🤓 to do API-based operations, follow the next steps:

  1. In Docebo Learn, fill out the specific Audit Trail events, filters, and time ranges that you want to extract.
  2. Open the Dev Tools, open the Networks tab, and find the POST request for /audittrail/v1/audittrail. Copy the entire request as cURL.
  3. Post the cURL output into Postman when selecting “Import” for a new request. This should give you at least the base structure of the request. 
  4. For future requests, you’ll likely need to update the authentication header and timeframe data in the POST body.
  5. Send the POST request and you’ll receive a "queryExecutionId" in the response.
  6. Include this execution ID in a new request: POST /audittrail/v1/audittrail/{execution_id}/download. The response will give you the URL to access the download link to the CSV file.

Thanks for the reply. This is one update I do not like. I used to be able to open the audit trail and see all entries together. I don’t like having to choose filters, I want to see everything. The API option isn’t going to work for us, but I appreciate the suggestion.
