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SCORM Reporting

  • 25 October 2021
  • 9 replies

Hey all,

We are building out Quizzes / Surveys / Observation Checklists using Articulate Storyline - however the questions do not appear in the Results. Has anyone found a solve for this? 



@Ryanmm1123 have encountered the same issue...we had some success with some parts if you take the time to name your slides in Articulate but it doesn’t carry in the question unfortunately. We have similar issues with Rise tests where the answer choices output with ACSII characters. I was gong to log a ticket for the same issue you are reporting and recommend you do the same...perhaps support can provide some tips

@Ryanmm1123 have encountered the same issue...we had some success with some parts if you take the time to name your slides in Articulate but it doesn’t carry in the question unfortunately. We have similar issues with Rise tests where the answer choices output with ACSII characters. I was gong to log a ticket for the same issue you are reporting and recommend you do the same...perhaps support can provide some tips

@lrnlab did you ever get to the bottom of this? This issue plagues us with Rise content that has quiz reporting.

We stopped trying as Docebo says they do not control how SCORM communicates with the LMS...we were able to get some improvement by making sure the articulate files have as much metadata doesn't solve the issue entirely but you can make a bit more sense of it.

Sorry, I know this is an old thread, but I came across this while searching for some other answers. Hopefully this helps.


The CMI setting to make this a readable question in reporting is cmi.interactions.{index}.description that is sent by the SCORM. e.g. cmi.interactions.1.description = “Is flour is used to make pizza dough?”


Somewhere in Articulate, there may be a setting to control the description tag instead of defaulting to the page/type/object/name. Maybe articulate support can help now that weknow description is what Docebo is pulling in for the reports?


I think a useful ticket on the Docebo side would be to have better lateral control on what items are used for reports. 

thanks @thanh-central interesting...I’ll give it a try

There are some caveats.

  • We built a SCORM using SCORM 2004.
  • We are also using cmi.interactions (cmi.objectives are a different option but reporting doesn’t pull in results for us. interactions did).

Good luck!

OK thanks...yes that’s the same issue we are seeing to some degree...

I dont know if this is going to help, but we found when we had a mixed completion criteria (and the course gets marked as completed with a single signal from your Articulate course), the CMI interactions short themselves out and are not conveyed over to Docebo.

We have since removed them from our SCORM packets and they all seem to be conveying over question-and-answer types of detail in the training material reports.

Hope this helps someone.

worth a try for sure...
