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SCORM video course playing as pop up instead of in player

  • 16 March 2022
  • 3 replies

Hi All!

This may be a basic question, but it is my first time uploading a SCORM file to Docebo and I am noticing some weird things happening. Our company purchased 6 courses that I’ve uploaded as zipped scorm files. Each of these files is a learning object within a single course. They’re all set to play inline in the settings section, however, only the first one appears within the player. The rest show up as a pop-up video with this message in the player “We launched your course in a new window but if you do not see it, a popup blocker may be preventing it from opening. Please disable popup blockers for this site.” Do any of you know a fix to get all of the content to play within the course player? Or does this have something to do with the files we purchased themselves?


Appreciate your help!

3 replies

Userlevel 1

If you have the View Mode in Docebo set to play inline, then this is probably a player or publishing setting within the authoring software that will need to be updated.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

If you have the View Mode in Docebo set to play inline, then this is probably a player or publishing setting within the authoring software that will need to be updated.

@juliedis spot on - two of the more popular elearning rapid development software support running a course in a separate window (Articulate Storyline and Adobe Captivate) and it is a publishing setting.

A heads up though - not all eLearning rapid development software support this.

Advice - check in with the publisher - they should be able to talk you through and or republish if you want a slightly different outcome.

Userlevel 2

Thank you both! It was indeed a setting that needed to be changed by the folks we purchased the courses from. All is fixed now :)
