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Session and Event Dates

  • 21 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi Everyone,

I have searched the vast records of the community for information on events, sessions, and dates.  I’ve learned a lot from those posts, and thanks to everyone who has contributed.  I, however, couldn’t seem to locate information with regards to a specific issue that I’m seeing, and hoping you all can help me out.

My scenario is this:  I have an ILT session that occurred on 05/28, that needs to be entered manually.  We don’t use a schedule of classes, as that doesn’t fit our business model.  Rather, when a course is needed, we have a SME deliver that information and provide us with a sign-in sheet.  From there, we create the session/event in the LMS, enroll the attendee, and then mark them as complete.  That all works as planned.

The issue I have is with the enrollment date.  If I create a session/event today, today’s date is what shows up in the enrollment date section.  I can’t find a place to change that date.  What I’d like to see in the reports is the date the class occurred and the completion date being the same.

Is there any way to do that in the system, or do I need to API it?  If so, which API do I use?  I’m not yet good enough on those, so any help is much appreciated!


Sadly enrolment dates are hard coded in the system (like a timestamp). haven't found any way to get around that. Is there a reason you’re focused on the enrolment date and not the completion date? We tend to disregard it in situations like yours.

Is there a reason you’re focused on the enrolment date and not the completion date? We tend to disregard it in situations like yours.

In our situation, it looks very messy to see an enrollment date occurring after a completion date.  I wonder if there is a way to CSS it out?

Perhaps, but the enrolment date appears in so many places, it may be hard to find them all and maintain it .
