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Survey does not save progress if stopped before completed

  • 27 January 2023
  • 2 replies

One of our courses has a survey as the primary content item.  When a learner exits the course prior to completing the survey, it is not saving a learner’s progress.  Any suggestions on how we can fix this?

2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Hi @JHill1 -

If you’re using a training material type survey in Docebo, my guess is that progress isn’t saving by design. Per, surveys are anonymous, so it would seem that any progress prior to selecting Submit wouldn’t be saving to a user’s session data.


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

only Docebo tests have this option, not surveys. There are no options for surveys besides what you see as your setting it up (e.g.: making a question mandatory or not)
