I have courses, with certification attached, that users have to complete annually. These courses also have a observation checklist attached to assess the practical skill of the theory in the eLearning course. Completion of the OC renders the course complete which then reactivates on a user’s Task List under Certifications to renew displaying the date (in 365 days) of when they need to renew by.
Some users no longer serve customers who require the user to have the knowledge and skill capacity refreshed every year by completing the course. We don't want users to complete unnecessary training as they are paid for this, additionally we don't need to waste time for a nurse assessment of the OC if the user does not need to complete it.
Is there a way to temporarily suspend a user from having to complete a course with certification attached, so to maintain last completed date in the records? If a user then in the future needs to complete the course again, along with the OC assessment, then the course can be manually reopened.
Thanks for any work around you can potentially see!!!