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Are Tags and Learning Object Key Words only searchable in the Global Search?
I searched for an object in the Central Repository using one of the tags attached to it.  Nothing populates.  

Then I went to Course Management and searched again for the Tag (nothing) and then by the name of the Video (that is embedded in 9 courses).  Also nothing.  

Can a search feature include the items that are part of the course and/or the tags that we attach to them?  I’m unclear what the Tags are accomplishing?

I searched the Knowledge Base and it appears that they should be working as I wish:
As an example, if the term you are searching is included in the tags of an asset and in the title of a course, the asset will be displayed before the course in the search results list.

I don’t think seaching for an actual word in the tags or title of the Learning Object is subject to the Elastic Search?

That is odd...just tried with a a very specific tag “XYZ987” and the global search found them right away. That said, It looks like it needs to be attached to a course for it to wont provide search results for content that just resides in the CR.

Yes I can find my tag with the global search.  If I understand correctly, Course Search is only searchable by course name (not learning objects in the course), and Tags are only searchable in the Global Search, which only searches in Content.  However when I search for a course word (i.e.Outpatient), nothing shows up in the Global Search, however numerous courses populate when I search under Course Management.  

I can find where the eLearning is located in a course via Global Search.  Searching for the tag in the Central Repository doesn’t produce any results either, so finding all items in the Central Repository that have a tag in common can only be done if they are also built into a course and you searched for that tag in the Global Search (not the Course Search).  

To me a Global Search would find every item with that keyword that is in Docebo.  I am struggling with the search options not being Intuitive or consistent.

think the global search is more tailored for users rather than admins
