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Test - Text Entry Questions - ability to have any answer be correct?

  • 18 June 2024
  • 3 replies


We’re working on a test for users that is a practical application of the lessons they’ve learned in the course in our SAAS platform. All answers will be text entry because the ‘test’ is really their interpretation of the reports they run. Is there a way to designate that ANY answer provided to a question is a correct answer? Can’t seem to find documentation in community -- any advice will help!

Only “Fill in the blank” type question offer the option to add correct answer values. When using short answer and extended text type questions, these must be evaluated in order to generate a score. You would need an instructor or admin to evaluate each user’s responses to mark them as passed and completed on the course.

Thanks for the feedback @lrnlab . We will have facilitators grading the open text questions -- I guess the issue is whether when someone inputs an answer, they won’t see the red text popping up to indicate it’s ‘wrong’. That might be a product question I need to look into.

They would not since the question is not graded in the moment the user submits their response. There is a notification of pass/fail for tests you could use to let them know they passes or failed.
