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I’m hoping for some help with training material progression. Most of my e-learning courses are set up the same way...a SCORM file course, a survey, and a test. I would like users to progress from one to the other easily. But customers get confused. When the SCORM course is done, they can close it by X’ing out. Then they see a pretty odd screen. See attached image. It makes zero sense to me to have two sets of the same buttons on this page. It also makes no sense that its states the place I left off was the survey, but the “resume’ button doesn’t take the learner there. It takes them back to the course. The last thing learners look for at this point is the list of materials on the right, when the other buttons are right in front of them.


First, I disabled the internal nav buttons. Customers were getting confused since the button is visible through the entire course. Most think it’s a button to get to the next slide. Plus, nav is not set to ‘free’ so they can’t use it anyway. Also, I see the option for autoplay in course properties. However, I was recently informed that only works for learning plans. 

So - How can I make it so that when one training material is completed, the prompt is for the learner to go to the next one? This shouldn’t be this complicated.

All suggestions are appreciated.

For us we make scorm the last item. It’s super confusing and that way when they finish and close the scorm, the course can complete.


we also hide the sidebar by default. We don’t think it’s helpful. 

you could also put everything in the scorm so there’s only one object. 

I appreciate the response. I’m not sure about hiding the sidebar. That seems to be the most helpful, direct part even though its the last thing people look at. 


I guess I’m surprised this isn’t an issue for more superadmins.

Something better would be awesome

Yep, its Super confusing for learners... To overcome this situation, we added a disclaimer at end of the slide within Scorm package. In disclaimer, we talk about how learners can navigate to the other sections to complete all the modules. By this way, we can engage our learners to move forward to the other modules without any confusions.

Note: we use disclaimer only if the Scorm package is created by Internal. For External, OOPSsss 
