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I want the button that allows someone to book onto a course to say ‘Enrol’ and not ‘Enroll’ or maybe even to change it to something else.

The thing is, I can't find that option in the localisation tool /translate area.

Anybody have any ideas? 



You can use the Localisation tool in the admin menu to reword almost anything on the platform.

Hi Neil,  see my post.  I couldn't find this option in the localisation tool :)

Oh!  Haha - how did I miss that??? sorry! I swear we had changed ours to Enrol, but now it says enroll.  It must be in there somewhere - I get 662 results for Enroll.  Hopefully someone can narrow it down a bit!

that's the thing.  I'm pretty sure it only changed to enroll recently and it wasn't something we did, so perhaps a docebo update broke it.

It has only recently changed hasn’t it?  We have been with Docebo 2 years - there is NO WAY that not one of our lawyers didn’t spot enrol spelt wrongly.

Perhaps @Adam Ballhaussen could help narrow it down?  He’s usually pretty good with which module we need to be looking at 😊

In fact, looking at the tool, all the instances have enrol, including this one:

So think there is definitely something not quite right here.  Sorry not much help, but also intrigued to know how to fix it!

@KTJD if you have a sandbox you test with and in instances where there are many labels that look the same, I usually add a letter to each label (Enroll A, Enroll B, etc.) and then go back and see where it appears to hone in on the right one.

Thanks for the tag @Neil Patterson@KTJD, Neil pointed out the correct module and key in the localization tool. You’ll want to filter for the Standard module and find the Enroll key. 


If you haven’t already, depending on your needs and preferred language in the platform, it might be best for you to switch your platform default language to English UK rather than English, since enroll is already translated to enrol across the platform for English UK (see screenshot below)



Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Hi @Adam Ballhaussen - thanks for this.  Mine is set to English UK, and translation is Enrol, but the button is displaying Enroll.  Any ideas?  Shall I log a ticket with support?

Thanks @Neil Patterson. Can you confirm that the users with whom you’re viewing the button has their language set to English UK? Could you perhaps share screenshots of the button and the language that you have set for your user?


I’ve reached out to @paola.ghezzi to ask about potential changes to these keys in the localization tool. It might be best to submit a support ticket, but I want to see what info Paola might be able to provide before we do so.


If this is a time-sensitive need for you, then don’t hesitate to go ahead and reach out to support.

Thanks @Adam Ballhaussen.  We are UK based, so all of our learners are set to English UK.  




Hi @Adam Ballhaussen - thanks for this.  Mine is set to English UK, and translation is Enrol, but the button is displaying Enroll.  Any ideas?  Shall I log a ticket with support?

Yes - mine is exactly the same.

someone’s broken something! 😱

@KTJD @Adam Ballhaussen - I have raised a ticket with the support desk for them to have a look into it as we are getting complaints that the word is spelt 2 different ways in the same place (the joys of working in a law firm where attention to detail is everything!).

I’d be interested to hear if you do here anything back from your colleague Adam in the meantime.

We’ve had the same issue. We changed ‘ENROLL’ to ‘ADD TO MY LEARNING’ in the Localization tool, but after a Docebo update a couple of weeks ago it reverted back to ‘ENROLL’ and I can’t change it. Everything else we changed in the Localization tool remained unaffected. 😕

The response I had back from the support desk was that they are aware of the issue and are working on it, so I guess we have to just sit tight and wait 😁

Hi everyone, thanks for your patience on this one. Good news: @paola.ghezzi helped me get to the bottom of this and we’re not crazy! There was a recent change to the keys in the localization tool.



In languages like Italian, Enroll has 2 different translations:

  • For Admins (where it means enroll your user)
  • For Learners (where it means enroll yourself, like in catalogs)

Until now, Docebo has only supported a single language key for Enroll, located in the Standard module in the Localization Tool.


Now, there’s a new key to differentiate the Enroll that shows to learners on course & learning plan cards in catalogs from the Enroll that shows throughout the rest of the platform for admins. Here’s that new key:

  • Module: Catalog
  • Key: Enroll
New Enroll key located in the Catalog module in the localization tool


What this means for you

Any translations you’ve made to the old Enroll key in the Standard module will no longer be reflected on course cards for your learner. As a result, you should apply those same translations to the new Enroll key in the Catalog module to ensure the label appears correctly for your learners.


The old Enroll key in the Standard module will be used in the platform in all of the other areas where it has been used up to now, except for catalogs. The only place this key has changed is in catalogs. 


If you, your learners, or your admins don’t see the translation updates take effect in their instance, please encourage them to clear their cache.


Please let me know if you have any other questions!


@Neil Patterson @KTJD @ajones 

unfortunately I already have it set to enrol in both modules and it still doesn't work.  it still displays enroll (with 2 ‘L’s) on the course page.



unfortunately I already have it set to enrol in both modules and it still doesn't work.  it still displays enroll (with 2 ‘L’s) on the course page.


Sorry about that @KTJD. Can you please share a screenshot in your platform where you’re still seeing Enroll rather than Enrol? Have you tried clearing the cache in your browser? That might be the issue here as it looks like you have everything configured correctly.

@Adam Ballhaussen  look at the very first post in this thread for screen shot

Thanks @KTJD, I saw your original screenshot. Have you checked your platform since you originally shared your post? I asked for an updated screenshot because here’s what I’m seeing in your platform:


If you’re still seeing Enroll, it might be because you need to clear your cache.

Yes sorry.  Clearing cache did the trick!

@KTJD  👏  excellent. Glad to hear it! Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for bringing this to the community and helping us get it resolved

@Adam Ballhaussen - so to solve the issue, we need everyone to clear their cache?

@Neil Patterson good question. I wouldn’t imagine that all of your learners would need to clear their cache to see the translation. However, if your learner was logged in when you made the change in the localization tool, they may need to log out or clear their cache to see the changes reflected.
