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I have set up an ILT course, that is located within the two catalogues.  All users can see this course, but only some users are eligible to attend.  If a user is in a specific branch they will receive a notification attached to the ILT course stating they are ineligible to attend and have been directed to alternative eLearning courses instead.  Essentially the users in this branch can enrol into the course, but not into a session.

I have had one user on this branch who has managed to enrol into a session, has received a calendar RSVP invite and said yes.  I ran an audit check and it was this user's log in which enrolled into the session.

How did this anomaly happen and how can I prevent this moving forward?

Hi @Suzy_q, thank you for bringing your concern to the community! This may be difficult to answer without looking at the course and notification settings directly. Please feel free to post them here or open a ticket with our support team, who will be able to investigate your issue directly.


If you do post those settings here, however, I would be happy to take a look. This sounds rather odd!

Hi @elliott.vickrey, thanks for your response.  I actually saw a pattern in the log in time of a collection of users set at @5:00am which suggested it was HR pushing through an update of users movements which triggered a specific branch to be enrolled as it was after the rule was created.  

So, essentially not odd after all. :)
