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Yesterday, we realized users were not being tracked for their last access dates in our platform. We conducted tests with user impersonation and also verified by seeing users enrolled in courses still completing the materials with enrollment dates after their last access date that is being presented in the user management section.

I am curious, is anyone else having this issue? It is a large threat to us collecting our 2024 goals data and is making our organization question the validity of other data in the platform. It seems simple user log-ins would be one of the most basic things to track… Yet it is not being captured accurately...

Oh no...we saw this same issue about 2 months ago and it took support a while to figure it out...Not sure what the root cause was (it was not shared with us) so please open a ticket asap.

Oh no...we saw this same issue about 2 months ago and it took support a while to figure it out...Not sure what the root cause was (it was not shared with us) so please open a ticket asap.

Yes, we have a ticket open now. Were they able to find a fix for it? And once the fix was identified, did it provided data only after the fix date or did it present all data?

yes they fixed but not sure the data was backdated...hard to tell.
