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Users getting 403 'Forbidden' errors after clicking links from notification

  • 8 February 2023
  • 3 replies

Hi folks. I’m hoping someone can help me here, I’m running out of things to test.

I’ve had a few users say that the tcourse_link] link i’m using on Notifications are sending them to 403 pages. I’ve tested it myself with some hastily created dummy accounts & I cannot replicate it.

i’ve looked into it & several other users have clearly not had the same issue, they were able to access the course. And one thing that may or may not make a difference is that all the complaints I’ve come across were from internal users. Though not all internal users have this issue with these courses.

I’ve looked through the course details & there’s nothing I can see which should restrict anyone. The only real restriction in the setup is ‘Show the course only to enrolled users’ is selected under Catalog Options, but these users are all enrolled, that’s what triggers the Notifications.

I’ve read through a few other posts on this topic & they mostly suggest that there’s some setting that’s getting in the way, but as mentioned, I don’t see anything that should block access, & I don’t see any consistency in who is & who is not getting these 403s.

Any input would be appreciated.


Do you use sub domains? If yes, then, when you create your notifications, you need to be in those domains otherwise the links behind those short codes could lead the users to wrong place. The 403 error is usually related to someone not having access to the thing they are bering directed to.

Thanks @lrnlab it looks like you’re right. There does not seem to be any sort of reason why it’s being sent via the wrong domain though. This notification has been in use for a while without any similar issues. I tried to replicate the error & I don’t even know how to prompt this issue. It doesn’t seem to make a difference which domain I create the notification from, it gets sent with the correct domain to I can’t figure out why I’m getting these outliers.

I’ve had to submit a ticket, we’ve had several different issues with notifications misfiring lately...

@NateC sometimes when you edit the notification and you’re in the right domain, the links can change. Check if you're accessing via a domain or via the root, that may also make a difference...
