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Currently, we have all users on varying Learning Plans (LPs). If a course is not on a user’s LP, they should not be completing it. If I set all courses to self-enrollment and make them available using the course enrollment policy pending admin approval, will the course still be open to complete without admin approval if it sits on an LP?

Hi there,

Just so I am reading this correctly.

User 1 will be enrolled into a Learning Plan with courses A, B and C

User 2 has B and C on their Learning Plan

As you do not want User 2 enrolling and completing course A, you place in Enrollment Policy on this but want to ensure this does not affect User 1?

If so, this should work. Alternatively, if you do not want users to find those extra courses outside of Learning Plans you can remove these from catalogs.

Assigning courses via an LP overrides that policy...same as with eCommerce on a course...when it’s included in an LP, the user does not need to purchase the individual course regardless of whether the LP is free or for a fee.
