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Looking to see if anyone has hosted a streaming event on Docebo for 1,000+ users at once. 
We are planning to stream a 2 hour long opening ceremony from our annual convention within Docebo and I wanted to see if anyone had done something with similar volume of users hitting the system at one time. 

**I did reach out to my CX as well, but thought I would reach out to this lovely community of users. 

Set up: 
Course with Vimeo Streaming link as a Learning Object. 

We opted not to do this a an ILT b/c of the sheer number of clicks it takes to get to the actual video. 
Here, they purchase the course, and come back to it on the day of the stream, and once the stream is over, the recording will live in the course to watch back. 


  • Latency of streaming video/lagging video
  • Inability to load page 
  • Inability to login in other areas of the platform
  • the unknown….
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