Our organization is struggling with tracking versions of the lessons put into Docebo. Docebo doesn’t have a timestamp for uploading content (single ‘lesson’ into the CLOR) so we cannot track when content was uploaded. Thus, making it difficult to pull reporting on what content may need to be updated. We’ve thought about putting dates in the title, however I am not thrilled with this idea - how do others manage/track this? Do you use Docebo, or an outside spreadsheet/program?
Thank you!
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Would you be able to find what you needed with the Audit Trail?
I can see a timestamp for creating training materials
as well as courses and other things - along with who made the change
Perhaps you’ve looked at this already and found it too broad to find what you need…?
Great idea, but upon review, I need details on the lessons within the course. The audit report looks like it only shows course creation date? Let me know if I’m missing something?
Great idea, but upon review, I need details on the lessons within the course. The audit report looks like it only shows course creation date? Let me know if I’m missing something?
If you look to the far end for the three dots …
You can get a little more detail such as the title and type of resource.
You can also filter a date range and specific thing such as just training materials or just new courses, etc. Just use the icon highlighted in the second pic below.
Hope that is helpful.
Finally - you can also export the results and view them in Excel for the same information.
We use the version history in the CLOR to track when things were updated.
You mention you need to report on it as well, which I don’t think you can report on the version history in the CLOR. It might be a little extra work, but maybe you can utilize an additional field for the course, and require that the field be updated when the content is updated. Then you should be able to pull a report off those fields to see what is coming up for review/updates.
Greg and Annarose,
Thank you both for your input! Greg, that worked perfectly! Annarose, I will also likely use the tracking feature!
Thank you!
@amanda.f - Glad it was helpful! Welcome to the Community!
Hey @amanda.f ! We have added an “additional field” to each course called “Date Updated”, and whenever content us updated on the course, we update that field. For managing individual learning objects, perhaps you could try creating a “category” in the CLOR for each course and include the last updated date in the name of the folder? Good luck!
@danwinter that is a great idea from the course level. How did you add this additional field? I might be naieve and maybe am missing it already built in? Additonally, are you able to run reporting for it?
@danwinter , we did the same and called it Admin Notes. It’s been a lifesaver for us as our organization grows and we’re able to capture when content is updated, why a course is archived, when it was removed from a learning plan, where historical reporting is stored in our share drive, etc. @amanda.f, if you still need it, here is how to create additional course fields but this may change with the platform update happening on Feb 9. Example of our Admin field included. https://help.docebo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020127679-Creating-Course-Additional-Fields