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Hello Docebo community friends!


I am reaching out to this wonderful and supportive community because we are currently in the process of implementing our new learning platform with Docebo. We are still in the early stages of our implementation, so as you know there’s a tremendous amount of work ahead of us. We are not the first (or last) company to implement Docebo, so I though it would be beneficial to reach out to see if my community friends would be willing to help us in our journey. I would like to start by asking a few questions.


  1. How long ago did you implement Docebo?
  2. What do you know now that you wish you knew then?
  3. Would you be willing to share your UAT test scripts with us?
  4. What was the hardest thing to complete in your implementation?
  5. What type of feedback are receiving from your users?
  6. Would you be willing to connect via phone for a quick Q&A session?
  7. Lastly, any overall advice for us?


This community is a wealth of knowledge, so any testing materials, advice, or expert knowledge is greatly appreciated.  


Thanking you in advance for your help and support! 


Hi Karen,

We implemented Docebo 18 months ago. It was our first time working with an LMS, so everything was new for us at the beginning. The hardest thing was structuring the site to deliver content in three different languages (with setting up Single Sign On a close second!). I can't really offer you any technical advice as my knowledge of Docebo is still very limited compared to most of the members of this site. All I can say is be patient and try to approach the implementation step by step. It can seem overwhelming at first, but it's not too bad if you break it down into manageable chunks. One thing we did, which I think was very helpful, was running a pilot test for a limited number of users before rolling out our official launch. The feedback we received was very positive and thankfully this has continued to this day!

  1. How long ago did you implement Docebo? 12 months ago
  2. What do you know now that you wish you knew then? How to properly use the central repository. I am just figuring out best practices.
  3. Would you be willing to share your UAT test scripts with us? Yes, however we started with basic functionality. We have not turned on mobile, channels or discover coach and share. We will in 2022.
  4. What was the hardest thing to complete in your implementation? Uploading courses. Very time consuming and uploading the course shells did not work as expected due to limitations on our end. Just took many, many, many tries to figure it out.
  5. What type of feedback are receiving from your users? We have internal issues that was causing courses to freeze. Be sure you have your browsers up to date. Other than that, not much.
  6. Would you be willing to connect via phone for a quick Q&A session? Sure
  7. Lastly, any overall advice for us? Take the training assigned in Docebo University. It was very helpful. 

Hi Daniel, 

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I'm happy to hear you have received positive feedback from your users and the pilots are running smoothly. Thanks for the advice too! I agree, taking it one step at a time and building upon each test case is the right approach. 


Hello @malicm

Thank you for all of the great information regarding your implementation journey. I just sent you a PM for us to connect.

