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Why are links clickable in email notifications but not in the in site notification?

  • 16 February 2022
  • 6 replies

Why are links clickable in email notifications but not in the in site notification? It is the exact same text in both.  Is this an error or is this how the system works?

Hi @BHDan they should work...when using in on screen notifications, set up the link in the same way you would any other...type whatever text you want to display, highlght the text and select the “add link” option. I sometimes add the short code for view course details (or whatever is relevant in the notification) to the ‘url’ in the link set-up dialog box is the short code.


I’m talking about triggered emails where the ink is added by the short code. Lots of courses and different departments, we don’t want to manually add the link.

@BHDan you’d need to create your notifications as HTML documents with a proper link tag as @lrnlab suggested.

What you observe is that most email programs automatically “convert” any URL in the text into a clickable link, however this is not a function of Docebo, but of the email client.

So, this is not happening when the notification is presented on the platform. If you didn’t properly format the notification the URL is just considered as a text, hence different experience.


When you’re adding short codes that will render into links, you need to use the “Insert link” function, to make them clickable:


@alekwo and @lrnlab  I tried the above and it did not work for me for platform notifications. It actually came through null.  




they should be clickable for might need to go into “source code” mode to ensure the link is setup the “ < > “ symbol but you need to know HTML to make sense of what’s there.


what comes thru as “null” exactly” when you click it or when you view it?

they should be clickable for might need to go into “source code” mode to ensure the link is setup the “ < > “ symbol but you need to know HTML to make sense of what’s there.


what comes thru as “null” exactly” when you click it or when you view it?

See how nothing is displayed after “answered your question:” of the notification? 


When I put in just the source code without using the hyperlink button, it comes through like this (just the url in text, not a hyperlink):

