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xAPI (Tincan) upload latest version not visible


I have noticed that when I re-upload SCORM packages into my learning content item, the latest version will be updated immediately however, if I export the course in xAPI/Tincan version I do not see the latest version of the eLearning material. 

Am I doing something wrong? 

@elizabeth.zombo - howdy. So packaging of these tools (in an xapi or SCORM wrapper) should not be part of the problem. I have found the nature of the change is typically the contributor to the root cause.

I would always recommend having a test account where you can see the change you just applied so that you know with confidence that it was deployed.

I hope that helps.

Thank you for your response.

So lets say, I have made a change to the eLearning module, exported and re uploaded both in xAPI and SCRORM into the LMS, and the change made shows in the SCORM version, but not the xAPI, what would recommend the contributor to the root cause is in this case? 

Yeah - I am not sure...I would do some due diligence like:

  • ensure the change was committed in the file (I know that may sound ridiculous, but when moving fast it is easy to miss)
  • check with that test account
  • consider instead of overwrite? - replace when you are given the option.

I have to admit that I dont work with xAPI often? But I cant see the course wrapper being the issue. @lrnlab have you worked with xAPI courses often enough to offer some advice on versioning up a course and not seeing the change deploy?

