@lrodman - the answer is not really. Especially if you are charging people to come into the system, your legal standing with fair use becomes a slippery slope.
That’s what I figured.
I got specific permission from Docebo and Articulate for embeds, copypasta and republishing in any form.
Does anyone know if I can fair use repost tutorials by adobe about Adobe Captivate? Some of my users will be using this. I presume Adobe allows republishing of their tutorials the same as Docebo and Articulate.
When in doubt @lrodman - to avoid an issue? Your approach of ask has typically been my way of making sure that I can leverage a groups assets. Even federal assets at times - we have circled around to ensure we are doing right by teams.
In addition to being EVP learning my boss is also corporate counsel 
I presume putting a hyperlink to a YouTube video’s page is legal, yes? Especially if I include commentary like “some of our favorite 5 minute meditation videos”?
Similarly, aside from curating links to YouTube pages as above, I assume externally linking (new window hyperlink) to a YouTube search on something like “5 minute meditation” or “5 minute morning yoga” is also legit?
I would think both scenarios fall under “editorializing” fair use if nothing else.