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1. What specific problem or challenge are you facing?
Simplify the creation of ILT courses via CSV file,

2. What result do you expect?*
I expect that from the automatic creation of ILT courses via "automation", it is possible to define for each course that is being created the catalog or catalogs and the certificate.

3. How will this feature impact your business and/or your sector?*
This would simplify the creation of courses automatically and massively via csv

4. Examples / Screenshots / Mock up (if applicable)
On the example file of import courses from csv you could add the following 2 columns:
- catalogues: list separated by ; of the catalogs' codes
- certificate: code of the certificate to associate

Very simple, thanks

Morning - I dont know if you can still edit your original? But consider labeling this an idea to get it into the right side of the community


Non ho capito, dove devo spostare?

I think this is where it needs to go:

Click the “create an idea” button.


Creo que debería ir aquí:

Haga clic en el botón “crear una idea”.

Is tis meant to be posted on the Ideas portal? You would need to add it here:

Ok, done
