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We have a course that is 4 meetings over the course of a month.  What we were thinking was that the Session would be “January 2025” and the event would be the specific meeting dates.  The learner has to attend all of the meetings to get credit, but it doesn’t seem like I can force them to enroll in all of the Events.


Do folks have a suggestion for how best to manage this?

Never mind 🙂 I was thinking users had to select the events as well as the sessions.

Wish I was in an older system where force enrolling was doable as a status for admins and therefore a reality.

I know this doesnt help per sae, but I clicked the subscribe button to see how you would do it here.

Never mind 🙂 I was thinking users had to select the events as well as the sessions.

registration into all events in a session is automatic..the challenge comes when users cannot attend one of the events and need to re-registered..Since they can only registered in a single session at any time, it likely requires admin intervention or some kind of special process to handle this type of situations.

We tend to create more sessions with only single events thereby giving users a but more choice...If it’s all for the same course, you would need to archive the session attendance immediately following the session so the user can then re-enrol into the next; for you can opt to create a course for each and perhaps ad them to a learning plan to keep them together.. 
