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Hi! I have a coworker who is responsible for a Buddy Program for new hires and also for a Mentor Program for staff looking to network or develop their skills. She was using a separate program, but she was not happy with it, so we want to explore what we can do to support her with Docebo. We currently do not have Docebo Connect or Docebo Coach and Share (someday, hopefully!), so we’re looking for tools we can implement with the platform as is.

Her program is a hybrid of Zoom meetings and assignments. She’d like for the mentor and mentee to be able to record notes that the other person would respond to, and she would like them to be recorded in the system so that they can be referenced later.

We have a number of tools at our disposal, so I feel like this has to be possible using what we have, but I’m not seeing the big picture just yet. We have the following:

  • Articulate 360
  • Smartsheet
  • Slido
  • Google Forms

We are piloting Microsoft 365 and Teams, but we are about a year away from implementing it company-wide.

Is anybody already doing something like this, or do you have ideas as to how we could? I’m curious if this is something we could achieve with assignments or the Observation Checklist, a widget, or embedding a tool into an Articulate file. Thank you in advance for brainstorming with me!

Have you looked at the Forum and Comments widgets? Users and facilitators can share comments there but it is not reportable. Users assigned to the same course or session are able to view the threads though.

Assignments are great but are limited to the interaction between the user who submits it and the evaluator. There is a fair but of back & forth you can do if you disregard the action marking an assignment as failed to allow the user to provide feedback on the evaluation so may not be the best solution for you.

Note that even without coach & share, you can still use Channels but only for courses. No options for questions or comments without DCS though.
