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Hi. Looking for inspiration and ideas from the community on this one!

We have many field engineers who only have a mobile device. Our Audit team visit different teams and give “Toolbox Talks” on site. Currently they all sign a paper register and the auditor creates a new session in a course and assigns the users and marks attendance. 

We’d really like to get rid of the paper and get the engineers to go onto the Go Learn app and log their own attendance at the end of the session, but I can’t seem to find a way to mark a session as complete/attended when they complete a test or learning content, and there isn’t the electronic signature option available for ILT sessions.

So… Any other suggestions for a creative way to do this, or have I missed something obvious?


HI @Richard.Harknett not sure this a mobile-ready feature...Docebo would be best to answer that part…

Have you thought about using a survey to mark the course as completed? Or a 1 question test? rather than tracking attendance, the users can self-complete the can also look at enabling the eSignature app to provide extra security and authentication

Thanks for the reply @lrnlab As the course is currently set up as ILT the esignature doesn’t exist as I think that is just for e-ealrning. Survey and test options currently aren’t an option as we log multiple different sessions in the one course (which I know isn’t ideal in some ways but it makes reporting easier). 

We’ll keep trying different things..

OK after a bit more playing, we have set up a test with a single question and set it as the end object marker, and set the session completion to be training material based. This works and marks the session as complete and the event as present, and if there are multiple sessions the user can just retake the test.

It’s a work-around but it might just do the job.

Richard - would the workflow of an instructor scanning a barcoded sheet work for you? I was part of a team that developed a mobile app to help an instructor record attendance. I get what you are saying, and would be happy to explore this some with you.

Hi @dklinger That could be interesting yes. Can you provide more details please? I am just about to go on vacation for a week but would be interested to learn more.
