The Power of Hidden Pages

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

The ability to create pages and manage menus is one of the most powerful features in Docebo. That said, sometimes you need to expose a page only to certain users. I found that you can choose to NOT add a custom page to your hamburger menu but you can still usher users to that specific page via a relative url in a widget (we use mostly the Image and Custom Content Box widgets for this purpose).

Using these “hidden” pages allows us to have many more pages available to our users without having to clutter up the hamburger menu (this menu can quickly get out of hand if not managed properly).

To do this

  • create your page
  • once created, use the menu at the far right under the ellipses to “Copy the URL”
  • to embed this link in a widget or other launch point and keep the user INSIDE the LMS, remove the “” and enter the URL as:
    • /pages/20/home
    • (where “pages” = the module, “20” is the unique number assigned to each custom page, and “home” is the name of the page you input

Once we figured this out, it opened up a whole new word of possibilities wherein pages and menus are concerned (and some rework, lol).

If you have any questions or need more information, please let me know.

Adam Ballhaussen 3 years ago

@lrnlab this is a great tip!


There’s an important step missing from your instructions: You must make sure that you also add the “hidden” page to a menu that is visible to whichever users need to have access. In order to do so, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the ⚙️ Admin Menu > Manage Menus
  2. Select the in the top right to Create a New Menu
  3. Name the menu something like Catch All or Hidden Pages
  4. Set the visibility of the menu to include whatever users you’d like to see the pages within this menu (groups, branches, and/or levels)
  5. Add whatever “hidden pages” you’d like to share
  6. Select Save Changes
  7. On the Manage Menus page, move this “Catch All” menu to the very bottom of the list
  8. Publish the menu

This will ensure that these pages are visible to the user when you link them to the page from elsewhere in the platform, but because the menu is at the bottom of the hierarchy, it will be superseded by other menus higher in the Manage Menus section.

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Userlevel 7
Badge +6



Thank you for this tip! Was trying to solve just this :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Glad to see this is still helpful for folks...

Userlevel 2

Hi all, Giulio here from Docebo’s product team.
Docebo’s product team is gathering your thoughts and feedback on improving the Learning Experience (Pages & Menus) creation & management process.

Please take this survey to tell us about your needs, priorities, and challenges in creating and managing Learning Experiences.


The original Feedback request is on this page:


