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Who said gamification needs to be directly associated to a single course, Learning Plan or topic? This is a slightly different way to reward learners for engaging over time...


I use a tool call Grammarly, each week I get a round up of my “performance”, most of the time I scan though it and don't pay too much attention to the trivial data I’m presented with, like words checked over time, common mistakes and a running count of how many weeks I’ve used the tool for.


Today I was presented with this:



It made me think outside of the box on how we can reward users for taking part in learning, it was interesting, unexpected and genuinely put a smile on my face!


Do you have an “out of the box” way of rewarding users for taking part in training? I’d love to hear it if so!

That’s awesome!!!! Reminds me of this one I got from my Fitbit a while back:


or even some of the ones that I get from my Quit Smoking app (badges for days smoke free, metrics on $$$ saved and health regained, progress towards the next milestone - I just passed 1year!!!!). 

You’re right though; these little pats on the back go a long way helping to nudge me back on track. :)


@SuperShaune That’s an impressive feat, and this is exactly the sort of thing I’m talking about! Keep ‘em coming, what other tools do we use which give us a little nudge or pat on the back?


Also congrats on the 1year smoke free :) 
