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When My Skills was added to the user profiles it created two notification pop-ups. One on the landing page (“MySkills added to your profile”), and one when you navigate to MySkills (“Fresh Content for You”).

Those are useful for introducing the new functionality or for infrequent users, but can be annoying for more frequent users.

Any advice on how to turn those pop-ups on or off? Either to allow users to choose pop-ups (or not), or as admins, to control how long or how many times it pops up.

My solution for the balloon help overall might work:  

Let me know!

Thanks for the idea elamast! That looks like it will work like a charm to turn balloons off all together. :)

Would still welcome any advice on keeping them on for a time or for select users, if anyone has figured out a workaround. 

Is there a feature request for this?


Is there a feature request for this?


Theres this one:

Which doesn’t turn it off, but keeps it off when a user turns it off instead of constantly showing. I don’t think there is one to just toggle off administratively which would also be useful.
