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Hello everyone!

I have recently discovered the existence of enrollment additional fields and am looking for some inspiration for how to put them to good use. Does anybody use them for creative solutions to problems? 

Hi @Alan we used them to display a “cancel by” date field, to capture information about a user’s special dietary requirements during the enrollment process and a text field to display any special requirements the users must keep in mind before attending...just keep in mind that sadly, only the “Additional fields” are available in reports. The “Enrollment fields” are not

Thanks Irnlab, this is really helpful. In essence, the Course Additional Fields are to provide info to the learners, whereas the Enrolment additional fields also allow the learner to provide some info to the course provider. 

The bit I am still a bit confused by, is that we can pre-populate the Enrolment Additional Fields, and this can even be used by learners to filter catalogue pages. However, when enrolling, the learner is given an empty field to input. Feels like it would make more sense if any ‘default’ values we enter should be pre-populated here, so that the learner can modify/overwrite it when needed. Or am I missing something?

Hi @Alan not sure what you mean when you say that you can pre-populate the Enrollment fields as these are meant to capture input from the user. The Course Additional Fields can be used to display other info about the course if set-up to be visible to the users; and these can be used to filter catalogue search results (again, if allowed)….the Enrollment Fields cannot

Additional Field details:


User View:

Hope this helps...

Hi Irnlab

Thanks a lot for the reply and extra info. I took another look and it seems that I accidentally created two versions of the field - one as an Enrollment additional field, and one as a normal course additional field. I think this was because it seemed like the first attempt had failed with a system error, but in fact it had worked. Then with my second attempt I absent-mindedly created the normal one.

Anyway, the upshot is that it is now all clear!  Thanks again for the tips.



This is a huge problem for us. and we havn’t found any good solution of geting the information from the Enrollment Additional Fields. How do you work around this @lrnlab ?

There are two ideas in Docebos ideaportal about this, pleese go in and vote for them 


Ability to Add additional enrollment fields to sessions



Add additional enrollment fields to User - Session report

@Rotkiv we don’t use the Enrollment Additional fields mainly because they are not needed but in part because we cannot extract the data easily. Definitely would be nice if we could report on these fields as well...perhaps with the next round of report improvements? :fingers_crossed_tone2:

@lrnlab I believe it is possible to extract data from the Enrollment Additional Fields using the dataset Users-Courses. In the new reports go to the tab “Filter options” and they should be there under the heading “Enrollment Fields”. However, as @Rotkiv points out it’s not possible to have data from the Enrollment Additional Fields combined with session data. Which is unfortunate as one great use for these field would be asking participant to ILT sessions about dietary needs, but tricky if you only get this data on course level as you would then need to cross check this with session data to see which participant attends which session. 

@lrnlab Is there anywhere I am able to view what the users entered in the enrollment additional fields? 

@StephSchulte’s on the actual enrolment details for each user…

On the Enrolments tab, beside the user on the right, open the “Edit Enrolment” option and you’ll the captured information there:


Thank you so much. I found it right where you said it would be. Mystery solved :)

I use the additional fields as a way to create a group of users for our newsletters as a way to unsubscribe some users by adding ‘unsubscribed’ in an additional user field and then the the automatic assignment to that group excludes everyone with ‘unsubscribed’ in the additional field I’ve chosen. You do manually have to go in and add in ‘unsubscribed’ in that field for the user but it’s the best workaround for now. 
