Admin specific pages

  • 24 June 2021
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 4

As an SA (Super Admin) are there specific admin pages you created and to what end were they created? as an example we already have an Admin Dashboard that has quite a few helpful resources already such as reports (if you are the one who runs those) and other various statistics. 

so on my admin page I have a link to My Team which utilizes our teams functionality, task list, of course management of reports, Users and Courses. also throwing in KPI, and Q&A as well.



2 replies

Userlevel 3

I think once you add the KPI and Q and A section that looks great. 

It is also great to send your administrators to a specific source of how do I do x



Userlevel 4

I think once you add the KPI and Q and A section that looks great. 

It is also great to send your administrators to a specific source of how do I do x



Excellent Idea! probably a link to specific knowledge base areas we get questioned all the time.
