March Community Check-in

  • 11 March 2022
  • 2 replies
March Community Check-in
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hello Docebo Community :blue_heart:


I don’t know about you but I honestly can’t believe it’s already March :shamrock:. Time flies when you are having fun, right!? Wait until you see all that’s been going on (there’s so much that this check-in comes with a table of contents :flushed:). For anyone new to these community check-ins, it’s where you can find recent community goodness all in one place. We’re also bringing you some helpful tips & tricks and friendly reminders for things you may have missed as well as important upcoming dates.


Let’s get to it!



:new: What’s New in Docebo Community?

We’re excited to share two new arrivals to the community:

  1. Our new Job Board discussion category is a designated space to post and browse open opportunities for roles requiring Docebo experience. Thanks to all who have posted so far!
  2. We’ve got a brand new group, Starship Extended Enterprise (:satellite_orbital: stellar name, right!?). If you are interested in collaborating with others on topics specific to Extended Enterprise (and sharing an occasional Star Trek reference/gif), then this group is for you!



:white_check_mark:Community Health Survey + Chance to win $100

The semi-annual community health survey is here and a big thanks to everyone who has completed it so far :inbox_tray:. This is your chance to provide your valuable feedback on everything related to Docebo Community. PLUS, all those that complete the survey by March 17 (and provide their email address) will be entered into a draw :tickets: to win one of two  $100 Amazon gift cards




:bulb:Idea Status & Reminders

In five short months since bringing ideas into the community, we’ve had over 600 new ideas submitted! That’s an average of about 40 ideas per week and every week our team reviews each one of them to update their status. :fire:


Currently, we have a total of 1031 ideas and here’s a breakdown within each status:

So, have any of you noticed yet :eyes:!? If not, I want to point out a small change we’ve made. When ideas were first launched, our ‘Parked’ ideas were originally labelled ‘Closed (Parked)’. We’ve since updated this status, removing the ‘Closed’ as we feel it better suits these ideas (check out this updated post that explains each status in more detail).  


Also, here are a few friendly reminders related to ideas:

  • :mag: search existing ideas before submitting a new one (click here to see how!)
  • :question: help us understand the why behind your requests by using this format when submitting new ideas (thanks@Jessica Overby!)
  • :point_right: remember that posting a new idea does not come with a guaranteed delivery as there are an innumerable variety of factors to consider when evaluating each new idea 



:busts_in_silhouette:Member Count & Leaderboard

We are delighted to welcome new members and have seen a steady average of 45 new joins per week so far this year. Currently, we have almost 2400 members so, if we keep this up, we’ll be at :three::zero::zero::zero: members by the summer :sunny:! Incredible, right!? This growth is outstanding and it’s proof that this community is a valuable resource. Oh, and we couldn’t go on without giving a shoutout to @JoelPercy who was our 2000th member :tada:

But, week by week, we aren’t just seeing new members. We are also seeing our members interact and help each other by answering questions and providing their opinions, knowledge and experience. In doing so, these members are making their way into our weekly leaderboard and climbing up in their ranks (here's the latest leaderboard results). A big congratulations to @lrnlab as he became our very first community Hero (the highest rank you can achieve:trophy:) but I bet it won’t be long before he’s joined by @abartunek @gstager @elamast @alekwo @Annarose.Peterson and @dklinger. Who will make it in first!? The friendly competition is on :lifter:



:interrobang:Questions Asked & Best Answers

Take a look at this! Since the beginning of this year, we’ve had:

  • 316 questions asked
  • 114 tagged with Best Answer
  • 36% with Best Answers 
  • 93%  answered by peer

As a reminder, our previous percentage of Best Answers marked was 32% and we set a goal to get it to 40%. While we didn’t quite hit the goal (although we are going in the right direction :chart_with_upwards_trend: ), I’m happy to announce that last week we saw the weekly percentage hit 42%. Let’s keep this momentum strong by continuing to choose a Best Answer for your questions. Handy tip: if your question warrants multiple answers (i.e opinions/best practices), it may be a conversation instead of a question.

I also want to highlight the percentage of questions answered by peers (93% :boom:). I mean this is just incredible and it’s clear that you are all here to help and support one another. Keep it up everyone! :raised_hands:



:speech_balloon:Posts Waiting for Reply

Speaking of helping others, these posts have yet to receive a reply. Check them out to see if you can help! :handshake:



:star:Popular Member Posts

We thought we’d group together some of the most recent trending posts in case you may have missed them. 



:nerd:Tips & Tricks

Here are some handy tips & tricks that you may find useful. Check them out!




Alright, we’re almost at the end. But first, we want to make sure you didn’t miss any of our important posts. Here they are for your reference :bellhop: :


Product Updates:


New Guide: 


3 Feedback Requests (Product Design & Research):


Other Posts:



:calendar_spiral:Important Upcoming Dates


March 17 - Deadline to submit community health survey + chance to win $100 gift card

March 18 - TWO winners will be announced in this post

March 30 - March 2022 Release Readiness Webinar

March 31 - Deadline for Inspire Award Submissions



You did made it ALL the way to the end :checkered_flag:. Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this check-in, I very much appreciate it and I hope it was valuable for you. If it was, please give it a :thumbsup: and leave a reply below with any questions/comments/suggestions/feedback. :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:


Until next time...:slight_smile:

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Thank you so much @erin.brisson this post was fantastic!  I love that you listed some posts that need replies! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

very helpful and I as able to action a few items from this post! Thanks!
