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Does anyone else experience a scheduled custom report in New Reports, randomly not triggering? We have one that triggers at 4:40 am ET every day. I had a chat with support last week and they said it could be because the daily refresh was hung up. If it starts at midnight ET and is still hung up almost 5 hours later, that’s concerning. It’s happened 5 times over the past month and a half. I’ve put in a ticket, but I’m wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences. 

@steveninfinger We’ve had this issue for several months, though the frequency is certainly diminishing. It seems that it gets triggered if the refresh of the data pool gets stuck (as you said). From there, the reports extraction background jobs can be delayed or fail entirely. If we get thru both “steps” then the emails generally reach us. If the emails do fail to reach us, we can still go to the Background jobs page and download the reports.

We’ve had multiple tickets forwarded, and generally they get put on hold; we rarely hear that updates have been released. I know that they are working on “data pool 2.0”, and whatever incremental releases they are making is improving the situation for us.

Thanks, @KMallette, that’s good….or unfortunate(?) to hear others are experiencing it as well. Depending on time to resolution, I may need to build in a backup for if/when it occurs again. I’m thinking through building the report in the old Reports to get the attachment on the email and setting up some Power Automate rules to update a Teams folder, but the old report doesn’t filter well, creating a new power user profile  for the people that should receive the email so they can just go pull it manually similar to what you suggested, or pulling it myself and sending it to them manually. I’m not a fan of any of those, so I’ll see what Support comes back with. 

I find “old” reports to be reliable. Perhaps you can mitigate the “new report” issue by recreating the data set in the “old report,” at least until the problem you’re experiencing is resolved?

We haven’t moved over to new reports, primarily due to the blocking issue of data not automatically refreshing " on-demand " during a manual report generation/export or scheduled send.

So it sounds like all scheduled reports are sent out at the time of the data refresh?  Someone asked me what actual time will the report be sent and I realized I wasn’t sure, since I am not generally receiving scheduled reports.

But seeing this makes me scared about the dependability of scheduled reports actually being sent from the New Reports module. 

@Annarose.Peterson @Allan @steveninfinger @KMallette  There is an idea for real time refresh, open for votes. I don’t know why anyone thought a data lag for LMS reporting was a good idea. Many systems serve a world-wide community and “overnight” is relative. 


I can close the loop here. 

@dianex.gomez, that’s a great idea and I’ve upvoted it.

So it appears the issue was with the bandwidth coming from AWS. Support increased the load it could handle about 2 weeks ago and the report has been triggering properly ever since. @KMallette, if you’re still experiencing the issue, might be worth reaching out to support and having them do the same for your portal. 

I did a ticket recently for a weekly report that never kicked off. When the rep rescheduled it and tested, it worked. Mine wasn’t delayed, it just never came. 

@Stephanie.mozingo I’ve learned this is more frequent on the release days. Not sure if that fits your experience or not. We’ve decided that our person that looks at a daily report notices that the timestamp doesn’t show that it was processed overnight that she’ll manually push a refresh, or if I notice my daily report has triggered by about 6:30 am ET then I’ll do it. Not a preferred experience by any means, but the one we’re going with for now. 

My platform is up for only 6 weeks at this point and I am unable to get scheduled reports to trigger consistently and be sent to my stakeholders.  Some of them work, some of them never even trigger and I am having to send them manually.  It’s frustrating and leaving a not great taste in my customers’ mouths for a new platform. It requires a daily check to see what reports went out overnight and which didn’t. This platform is already administratively heavy which we knew and accepted for improved functionality This basic stuff like scheduled reports not triggering for seven months is unacceptable.

I feel your pain, @jmkachidurian 

Curious @jmkachidurian has your platform received the improvements to reports rolling out currently and if so did this help at all?


I just started getting this issue the past week. I opened a ticket. I guess we will see what happens. 

Update: Reports have resumed sending. Support initially thought my DNS was not following the guidelines. However, my IT department verified and we are in compliance. I am still not sure what changed or why it is now working. 

Heads up: we had a user who normally gets a scheduled report receive an email saying “We are sorry, we are not able to send you the link to the Ethics Global Report report. Please contact your Administrator for further info. Have a good day!”

I have never seen this email before!  On chat they indicated someone else has reported this and it is some issue impacting some scheduled reports.  

Wanted to share here in case any of your folks who should receive scheduled reports receive a similar email, open a ticket with Docebo so that they know how many customers it is impacting.

I wanted to resurface this issue and say that I think another reason scheduled reports might not work is if the originator of the report was deactivated, then it won’t run. That’s what I’m running into this week anyway. I can’t say this with 100% certainty but the issue seems related and thought I would share as another possible reason. 

Hi everyone, 

I appreciate this conversation. I recently saw this message shared by @Annarose.Peterson  come through for one of our scheduled reports. When I looked at the background job report it showed “Aborted” as the status. I’ll be keeping an eye on this moving forward. Have any of your continued to experience this?

I have found through trial and error that it is best to schedule times starting around 6 AM in the time zone of your node.

That said every once in a while I have gotten emails saying that the report is not available. But not often.
