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[Closed] đź’™ Tell us what you think of Docebo Community for a chance to WIN

  • 2 March 2022
  • 3 replies
[Closed] đź’™ Tell us what you think of Docebo Community for a chance to WIN

In two short months, Docebo Community will celebrate its one year anniversary :tada:


To give you some quick highlights, in under a year we’ve had:

  • 2325 new members join 
  • 4957 total replies
  • 1309 total posts
  • 650 new ideas submitted (since November 2021)

Incredible, right!? It’s all thanks to each of you. This community wouldn’t be what it is today without your active participation and engagement. I’m looking forward to sharing all of the milestones we achieve throughout this year. I wonder what our member count will be at this time next year, dare I say 5000!?! :wink:

Back in August 2021, we launched our very first Docebo Community Health Survey. This semi-annual survey has two main goals: 

  • ​​​​​​to capture critical metrics
  • to solicit feedback/recommendations to help the community better serve its members

:speaking_head: So, here’s your chance to tell us about your community experience. I want to know if the community is meeting your expectations and if it’s an essential resource for you. I also want to know if you have any suggestions for improvements. Tell me everything! 


Giving your valuable and honest feedback will help us determine what’s working and how we can improve the community for YOU!


Click here to begin survey ​​​​


:rotating_light: Oh, and if you complete this short survey and provide your email address (via the last question in the survey) before the end of day on March 17, you’ll have a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card! TWO winners will be announced in this post on Friday, March 18. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this important survey and for providing your valuable feedback to help make Docebo Community the best it can be! :relaxed:

As promised, the draw is complete so it’s time to announce the winners of the $100 Amazon gift cards.  



:tada: CONGRATULATIONS @leilaishtayeh and @martiniwinski!!!!!!!


Thank you so much to everyone who completed the survey. I really appreciate you taking the time to provide your valuable feedback as it helps us make this community the best it can be. :slight_smile:

Woohoo! Thank you so much :grinning:

Congrats! Lucky Ducks! :duck::duck:
