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Does anyone else randomly get this strange glitching happen with their view within the community?

I have seen this a few times now and it doesn’t stay long. Usually goes away after a refresh or two.



I havn’t seen that but have seen some other load errors occasionally and just refresh a few times out of it.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention @gstager, and thank you for that screenshot! We appreciate you letting us know. I’ve contacted our vendor to discuss the behavior you’re seeing. In the meantime, I’d like to ask a few questions so I can provide their support team with more information:

  • What browser do you use, and is it updated to the latest version?
  • What type of device do you use to browse Docebo Community?
  • Have you cleared your browser cache recently?

  • What browser do you use, and is it updated to the latest version?
  • What type of device do you use to browse Docebo Community?
  • Have you cleared your browser cache recently?

I am using the Brave browser - up to date - on a Win 10 Pro PC

Not sure when I cleared cache last. Hard to test with that as is has been several weeks since I have seen this last and it goes away in a few refreshes not to be seen again for several weeks.


@gstager Thank you so much for the details!

I’ve heard back from our vendor’s support team. Their current solution is to refresh the page, as this should eliminate the error. It seems this is something they’ve encountered from time to time, and they are looking into it. I’ll update this thread when I hear more!

Well - at least now I know my eyes are not spazzing out between dimensional rifts.

@gstager One last question if you have the time! Do you happen to recall what you were doing before seeing this error? Our vendor has said this issue has been difficult to capture and any detail could be helpful to them.

Well - as I recall I had just been in to read the post left by @Bfarkas 2 minutes earlier as shown in the screenshot. When I came back out - (usually by clicking on Recently Active Posts) That’s my “go to” - I saw the alien language.

Yes it is difficult - I have been in the community since about November and this is maybe the 3rd or 4th time I’ve seen it. So not super frequent.


Clearly my posts come with system bugs to spread….

Clearly my posts come with system bugs to spread….


We’ll get it!


Well - as I recall I had just been in to read the post left by @Bfarkas 2 minutes earlier as shown in the screenshot. When I came back out - (usually by clicking on Recently Active Posts) That’s my “go to” - I saw the alien language.

Yes it is difficult - I have been in the community since about November and this is maybe the 3rd or 4th time I’ve seen it. So not super frequent.


Thank you so much! I’ll pass these details on to our vendor.

@elliott.vickrey - FYI

I just got like two minutes ago another instance of this.

As of about 9:30 PM Central time.

I posted a reply to the following thread and after the SEND button - it posted but the buttons underneath were funky as shown.


Thank you @gstager! I’ll see if I can’t replicate this and provide this to our vendor. I really appreciate you keeping an eye out!
