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Is there any sort of ETA on learning plans being revamped in 2023?

  • 28 December 2022
  • 6 replies

I’m getting a lot of complaints from power users about learning plans.


Biggest complaints:

Can’t search or sort the learning plans page (or catalogs page for that matter)

Users can’t see learning plans in a channel if they haven’t been enrolled in the LP yet

If one power-user creates a learning plan, unlike courses, it can’t exist in a category so a superadmin has to manually assign permissions to other power-users in the branch (same issue for group creation by one power-user and viewing by another)

6 replies

Userlevel 3

Would love to get some updates on what’s planned to improve the learning plan experience
Addin some more elements here:

  • no possiblity to enroll users in bulk via CSV
  • bad UX > took us a while to figure out how to assign a learning plan to a catalog for example; why the need to go to the catalog to assign the learning plan? we should be able to do that from the learning plan directly, like it is the case in the course management area
  • no possibility to put a learning plan under maintenance
  • when enrolling to a learning plans users are enrolled to all the courses inside the learning plan all at once and they see all the courses individually in their “my courses & learning plans” area, this takes a lot of space and is confusing to the learner
  • no possibility to add additional fields to learning plans 
Userlevel 7
Badge +7

I know yawl dont want to hear this from another out in the field, but I do believe a few key functions related to LPs are going to start to roll-out shortly. It is indirectly related, but my current understanding - multiple CBT tracked attempts are coming sooner than a broad “sometime in 2023”. I also heard that Q1 2023 is when LPs were slated for, but when folks talk about stuff like this? They are smart to call out a Safe Harbor clause - that things change all the time - so it is better to hear about the idea so you have a rough idea about the when and to plan for it once it is announced and put into the “sandbox”.

Beyond that, I have been pinging around on it more than not...and my understanding is that yes there has been movement behind the scenes on this important topic.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Would love to get some updates on what’s planned to improve the learning plan experience
Addin some more elements here:

  • no possiblity to enroll users in bulk via CSV
  • bad UX > took us a while to figure out how to assign a learning plan to a catalog for example; why the need to go to the catalog to assign the learning plan? we should be able to do that from the learning plan directly, like it is the case in the course management area
  • no possibility to put a learning plan under maintenance
  • when enrolling to a learning plans users are enrolled to all the courses inside the learning plan all at once and they see all the courses individually in their “my courses & learning plans” area, this takes a lot of space and is confusing to the learner
  • no possibility to add additional fields to learning plans 

@Amel - some of these are answerable in some cases indirectly

  • bulk enrolling you can use groups to bulk enroll users. and you can use a CSV tool to enroll into that group. Two steps - I know.
  • The legacy UI behind the scenes - yeap nothing can be said about that.
  • Learning plan with a status - this is interesting - I believe I wrote an idea about that, but it would great to hear more from you on this.
  • All at once enrollment into all children learning objects - so this one is interesting because with some finessing - staggered enrollments are doable.
  • All the courses individually in their “my courses & LPs” area - yeah this can are talking about the canned page
  • Additional fields - and this is a sore point for us as well.
Userlevel 6
Badge +2

This thread is so important and I’m really expecting improvements in Jan or Feb to be rolled out as a priority.

As mentioned in this thread by others the experience for super admins and those preparing LPs is terrible and I had to fight hard to stay with Docebo Learn contract noting LP fixes were said to be on the way last year ….... 

To me, the learning plans are the fundamental building logic blocks of this LMS and are currently a very large pain to me as I move forward with a number of programs of work impacting 1000s of users.


Userlevel 4

We are also waiting for updates in learning plans, as these are our main tool. We have a use case where we need to be able to bulk reset the date range and bulk manage the enrollment periods for specific learning plans for specific users.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Yes, to all of this!   The above are all pain points that we have and we have resisted using Learning Plans because of many of these reasons.  We have clients asking to be able to create their own Learning Plans as well, but we have not let them do that yet because we don’t have the resources to handle all the complaints/issues that we know they will run into.

I have this list prepared for the time we discuss Learning Plans:

  • Can't view completion status from Learning Plan Mgt
  • Can't get to settings/reports info for the LP from the LP itself, like you can with a course
    • Must go to LP Mgt to view this info (for courses, you can get to the course settings directly from the user's view of the course)
  • Can't set deadlines on the LP itself
    • Must go to each course and set deadlines on each one instead of for the LP as a whole
  • Can't view what catalogs/channels an LP is in like you can from Course Mgt
  • Can’t see a Learning Plan in a channel widget if you are not enrolled in it
    • We want to be able to present the option to enroll in a Learning Plan from a channel widget, not just show it for those already enrolled
    • We would use a catalog widget, but those don’t show the completion status on the course cards like they do with channels
  • Users cannot unenroll themselves from a Learning Plan
    • Need this to be an option like with Courses so we can choose whether to allow self-unenrollment or not
  • No easy way to deactivate an LP
    • We don't want to delete them, so historical enrollment/completion data remains, but need a way to easily filter out which ones are still used
  • Mass enrollment does not seem to work well... users get enrolled in the LP but not the courses within the LP
    • I enrolled over 2500 employees in our annual compliance course and only 1190 show up enrolled in the 3 courses in the LP
