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Brainstorm: What are the most common items you need to modify with CSS that you wish was easier?

I am working on a side project to share to do two things:

  1. Make it easier to develop/track your custom CSS changes
  2. Create CSS changes for those not comfortable with typical formatting or creating of those CSS changes.

Obviously these will start at a more basic level to try it out, and the pro’s on here, sorry this is not aimed at you. I have searched around and picked a couple of nice ones to start with that seem to be fairly common instances of like show/hide/change color items, but want to see if I’m missing anything major or big gaps to consider.

Help me out by adding what you find to be the more common modifications (don’t have to share the code, but if you can describe the change and its impact, before/after images welcome!)


36 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Thanks @Bfarkas 

Just to confirm, I can replace all of the original code with the following code, right?

#vertical-tab-changePassword {
display: none;
.forgot-password {
display: none;
.login-button {
padding-bottom: 32px;


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Yup, the first one does the profile page, the second two do the login page. As always, if you have a sandbox, always useful to double check first :)

Userlevel 2

@Bfarkas thanks for digging into this! I tried this in our sandbox, but unfortunately it still doesn't work. I recorded a Screencast in which you can see the issue: 


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@Bfarkasthanks for digging into this! I tried this in our sandbox, but unfortunately it still doesn't work. I recorded a Screencast in which you can see the issue: 


So, I watched the video a few hours ago (it seems to be gone now). That is a different issue it seems. If you look, at the start the back button is there, so it is not being blocked, the issue seems to be the way they have programmed the behavior of the back button so that it only will go back to the immediate last thing, and in this case that is the framed element which it can’t re-trigger through the back button so it is hidden. If the back button was hidden via the CSS it would never show in that video.

Userlevel 4

@Bfarkas  - OMG! If you could solve to turn off the “Recommended Content” panel when I create a playlist, that would make Playlists useful. Right now, they’re a discreet endnote at the bottom of the screen and everyone gravitates to the Recommended content panel and misses the playlist. :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@Bfarkas  - OMG! If you could solve to turn off the “Recommended Content” panel when I create a playlist, that would make Playlists useful. Right now, they’re a discreet endnote at the bottom of the screen and everyone gravitates to the Recommended content panel and misses the playlist. :)

Will look into, may not make V1 as I have it pretty scoped out and I don’t have an environment with playlists on right now, added to the list to look into though.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I’ve made solid progress on the V1 of this idea this week and am about 90% there. Will be looking for a few testers soon, if interested feel free to private message me. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Alright, couple roadblocks got cleared today, doing some finishing things tonight and final testing but basically ready for a few testers, if you are interested and have not already messaged me, please do so, will probably be sending out links by tomorrow. Couple sneak peaks:


Userlevel 3

Hey @Bfarkas, thank you very much for opening this thread! 👍

We are currently working with the CSS intensively and exploring the limits of the system. Here are some topics that would help us make our platform even more pleasant:

  • An ID selector for learning plans and courses as well to make specific changes to those only (we currently can use this with pages and page widgets)
  • A set of HTML classes that would make it easier to target the status of a course or a learning plan in a dynamic widget (e.g., channels, catalogues)

It is a huge relief for us to be able to “contain” our changes to only specific pages or even specific widgets. We don’t have to fear that these changes will have unexpected effects in other parts of the system, which make our live more agreeable. 😀

Oh, and one more thing: Since we are heavily using CSS, we would highly appreciate a heads up should the HTML structure should be change. 🙏

P.S.: After reading a little more (as usual after publishing my post...) this might not be relevant to this discussion, but it still would be interesting changes to the system. 😉

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hey @Bfarkas, thank you very much for opening this thread! 👍

We are currently working with the CSS intensively and exploring the limits of the system. Here are some topics that would help us make our platform even more pleasant:

  • An ID selector for learning plans and courses as well to make specific changes to those only (we currently can use this with pages and page widgets)
  • A set of HTML classes that would make it easier to target the status of a course or a learning plan in a dynamic widget (e.g., channels, catalogues)

It is a huge relief for us to be able to “contain” our changes to only specific pages or even specific widgets. We don’t have to fear that these changes will have unexpected effects in other parts of the system, which make our live more agreeable. 😀

Oh, and one more thing: Since we are heavily using CSS, we would highly appreciate a heads up should the HTML structure should be change. 🙏

P.S.: After reading a little more (as usual after publishing my post...) this might not be relevant to this discussion, but it still would be interesting changes to the system. 😉

Absolutely agree on all of your points, but just to keep expectations level, I think you got there in the end, not working for Docebo I can’t make platform changes, the goal is to just simplify making a lot of the common CSS/API changes people in the community look to do and may not be comfortable doing on their own.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Alright, based on a select group of beta testers over the past month, we actually shifted plans and moved development over to our more long term platform. We are officially ready for a few more users, please keep in mind there may be early platform issues (hoping to find and squash them all as we open up here), but if you are interested in trying out the first tool on our list, a CSS Configuration Wizard, go ahead and signup for a free account, and have fun:



Please let me know how you like it and if you run into any issues.

Big thanks to those in the community who helped brainstorm and test this out so far!

