Dear Community,
We had a couple of interesting experiences with our APIs in the recent past and had one more today that I’d like to share.
We have an automation to duplicate learning plans. However, we’ve noticed that the new learning plans are marked as “under maintenance” (I’m adding a screenshot here). My question: Does this affect also your API?
Here is how you can try to reproduce:
- Use the endpoint “POST /learn/v1/lp”
- Use the following payload (you can change the dummy information)
- {
"name": "API Test LP",
"description": "<p>This is a test.<br><br></p>",
"code": "TEST-API-LP"
- {
- Send it out
- On the platform, add at least one course to the new learning plan
- Enrol in the learning plan
- Check on the page “My Courses and Learning Plan”, and find the learning plan
Here is a screenshot of how it looks like on our site:

I tried to edit the learning plan using the API and some undocumented payload entries, without success for now. If you have a solution, that would be appreciated. We’ve created a support ticket, and if we get more infos, I will update.
Keep on the good job, community!