
Assign Notifications to Courses via API

I’m creating ilt courses via the course api and a python script but I can’t figure out a way to add existing notifications to the newly created courses. The notification api’s documentation is pretty sparse and I’m wondering if the only way to do this is manually. Has anyone found a workaround?

6 replies

Userlevel 7
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Unfortunately this isn’t something supported by the API from what I am seeing under notifications there. 

Unfortunately this isn’t something supported by the API from what I am seeing under notifications there. 

That’s too bad. Thanks for the quick reply!

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

 @lrodman - you’re correct! Currently Notifications app is under legacy (PHP) functionality and within an older wizard where the API’s are simply not exposed (and a bunch of on page processing is done in UI as you build a Notif).

We are targeting a refactor for our Notifications app, which will bring it forward into our new codebase and architecture of which should allow for more robust publicly exposed API. Stay tuned!


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

 @lrodman - you’re correct! Currently Notifications app is under legacy (PHP) functionality and within an older wizard where the API’s are simply not exposed (and a bunch of on page processing is done in UI as you build a Notif).

We are targeting a refactor for our Notifications app, which will bring it forward into our new codebase and architecture of which should allow for more robust publicly exposed API. Stay tuned!


Awesome news, thanks @John!

 @lrodman - you’re correct! Currently Notifications app is under legacy (PHP) functionality and within an older wizard where the API’s are simply not exposed (and a bunch of on page processing is done in UI as you build a Notif).

We are targeting a refactor for our Notifications app, which will bring it forward into our new codebase and architecture of which should allow for more robust publicly exposed API. Stay tuned!


This is great news! Is there any idea on the timeline for when this refactored Notifications app will be live?

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@aaron.oustrich - at this time Docebo is not releasing forward statements in regards to it’s roadmap ETA’s on delivery or timing around general platform availability of net-new features/enhancements.

That said, we are committed to sharing our future vision and direction for where we will take the product. A Notifications refactor is absolutely in store and has been spiked/researched and wire-framed out.

A lot is subject to change during these early stages, so to share more wouldn’t be overly helpful.

If you haven’t seen an Idea posted yet, or already voted for a similar Idea to what you want to see in new Notifs, now is the time to make comment. The door is still open, but will eventually close as we head into deeper dvelopment work likely later in this year.
