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LinkedIn learning & Docebo - access management?

  • 17 October 2022
  • 6 replies

In integrating LinkedIn Learning with Docebo, how does a user access the LinkedIn learning courses? Would be great to hear how your experience was with the end user accessing the LinkedIn learning courses in docebo? Challenges you faced with SSO or during authentication. Thanks in advance! 

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @atreyee07 it’s a pretty simple integration...basically once you have your account linked to Docebo, you can import courses from LI. You choose all or be selective and then choose whether you want to create a new course for each one or if you prefer to download the content to the CLOR and create your own. You can only have 1 license in effect at any time.

It will create a LI catalogue that you cannot access or edit (still not sure why we need this). I then created a new catalogue for all LI content.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

It will create a LI catalogue that you cannot access or edit (still not sure why we need this). 

100% curious about that too.

Thank you both! I am more interested in the steps required for the integration and who does this? : are these steps correct?


  1. SSO with LinkedIn learning - my org + linkedin learning
  2. Configuring the integration in linkedin leaning - linkedin learning
  3. Activating the linkedin learning in Docebo - my org

thanks ! 

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Our biggest challenge was lack of support from LinkedIn...but, somehow, I muddled through and got the integration working (sorry I can’t specifically confirm the steps above - it’s been a while). We just had some bad luck with the associates assigned to us leaving - three of wasn’t us 😀 - at least that is what I was told. 🤷🏼


We selectively imported over 175 courses from LiL and created over 15 catalogues for them to fit in as well as one large catalog with all of the LiL courses.

Our users are asked to access the LiL courses from our Docebo system and most do - we have a page with all of the catalogs for LiL courses on it...but once the user activates their license, they can access courses directly in LinkedIn Learning. Not a huge deal, but now I just have to run reports from both systems and merge the data.

We have been toying around with just allowing the users access to LiL directly without having to go in through our Docebo system...eliminating a barrier to them learning. Because ultimately it’s about them, that’s another story, for another time.

Userlevel 2

Are you having to integrate through Docebo connect?

Userlevel 4

Thank you both! I am more interested in the steps required for the integration and who does this? : are these steps correct?


  1. SSO with LinkedIn learning - my org + linkedin learning
  2. Configuring the integration in linkedin leaning - linkedin learning
  3. Activating the linkedin learning in Docebo - my org

thanks ! 

You don’t need to do the SSO configuration unless you want your users to be able to log into the LMS using their LIL login. This isn’t needed if your organization already has SAML integration set up for both Docebo and LIL. Your LI configuration can be set up through the Content Marketplace using the API keys found in the LI admin console. This is the simplest way to do it. It literally took me a few minutes.

The biggest challenges we’ve run into with integrating LI through the Content Marketplace are there’s no two-way data flow, and the out of the box data mapping is limited. If a learner completes a LI course on the LIL site, they’re only marked complete in Docebo after they also enroll in the course there, which is an extra step. Not a huge thing, but something to keep in mind. Also, fields like category, skills, and course time aren’t carrying over into Docebo for us right now. We’re going to have to map this data either using additional API’s or possibly flatfile feed via the Automation app.

I’m not a big fan of not having any control edit control over the default LinkedIn catalog either. Some of our users’ biggest complaints have been around the catalog showing non-English courses first and having to manually filter and sort the catalog. We can’t customize the default view, or what courses are available to learners in the catalog. It doesn’t make any sense to me why.

Another thing to keep in mind is a course that’s showing in the LI catalog won’t actually be returned in the global search until it’s been imported by either a user or admin. The nice thing is the import happens instantly whenever a user clicks on a course in the catalog. 

One cool thing I recently found is if you take a LinkedIn course in Docebo, it actually records your quiz scores on the Courses page of your My Activities. So that becomes reportable data if you want it. Docebo actually recommends you access LinkedIn courses through the LMS to get the full benefits of integration.

Overall, I definitely think there’s room for improvement with the integration. It’s very good, but there are still some pain points I’d like to see Docebo and LI work out.
