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LinkedIn Learning Integration

  • 21 November 2022
  • 12 replies

Hi Docebo Community, 

Curious if anyone has integrated with LinkedIn learning and not leveraged the course import functionality? Our team would prefer to link out (from Docebo) to LILs platform directly. 



12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@lhubbard - how u doin it?

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

I haven’t tried a direct link out. I’m currently playing with the import option...

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

We use the integration. The import feature (especially the one that allows user to browse the catalog and bring in a course immediately) is nice.

The disadvantage for us is we share our LiL with other groups, so some global settings we can’t use. For example, we can’t prevent users from browsing LiL after they finish a course and launching it from there.

If @Terry Gayle is saying import an XAPI or AICC course package from LinkedIn Learning, I imagine it would work just fine.

Userlevel 3

We also use the integration. Its helpful but there are tradeoffs. I had to download the AICC packages and manually upload them in our old LMS, so its a huge improvement overall. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Q: Why wouldn’t you use the integration and import the courses? I only ask, because if you are going to selectively pick courses to provide links to in LiL vs. allowing your users to just browse LiL directly, I am not sure the advantage of your approach.

We use the integration now, but are contemplating “allowing” users to take courses directly in LiL instead of maintaining the imported courses. I mean, for us, once they activate their license they can go directly into LiL now, but we don’t promote that.

Our goal is about allowing our users to learn, not about how they access it - but we are working on an approach that lowers any barriers to learning: hence “allowing” them direct access to LiL instead of using the integration.

We are still learning a lot ourselves. Any insights welcome...

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

We’ve been using LinkedIn learning since 2017, and we started with Docebo in July 2022. So our usual path is to send users directly to LinkedIn Learning… the main benefit for us of sending users to Docebo for LIL content is the Docebo tracking.  

Userlevel 2

For those that are using LIL integration… 


Am I correct in understanding that if the course is searched/enrolled/launched from Docebo, that the course completion is sent back to Docebo?


But if the user launches the training from LIL website and completes it, that tracking won’t report back to Docebo transcripts? 


Thank you for your input!

Userlevel 1

Hi @JasonHailer 
We just integrated LiL and have learned that you are correct: 
If a user launches training from LiL and completes a course, the completion data will not come back to Docebo. 

IF Docebo were to support xAPI course packaging vs AICC, there would be an option to enable the LiL xAPI reporting sync. 

Userlevel 2

Hi all,

We’re looking at offering LIL content on our LMS. The plan is to have curated/promoted content that have cards on the LMS but to allow users to search beyond what we’ve selected. Ideally we’d like that search process to begin on the LMS but would like to differentiate searching LMS content (which would include curated LIL content) and LIL content. Wondering if anyone has any experience with this kind of set up?

Also has anyone looked in using Connect to report LIL activity through Docebo?

Userlevel 1

@sbessen We have been mulling over this same scenario. There is an option/setting within LiL to “Allow learners to browse” which is the recommended option per LiL (however, this is not the recommended option per Docebo). When a course is launched from Docebo, this setting displays a search/browser bar at the top of the course. Using this search/browser bar takes the learner into your LiL instance. 

Currently, we have decided use the “Focus learners on a course” which does not provide the browse/search bar. 

Perhaps a test/pilot group would be helpful to observe user behavior and then decide if this is too much of a distractor, does it hinder course completion or if it is confusing for the user while trying to navigate back and forth between systems. The browse and focused options are easy to toggle between and don’t seem to affect courses already imported into Docebo. 

Can’t wait to hear what you decide!

Userlevel 2

Hi @dcarpenter we’ve definitely decided to let users have access to the full LIL library for the pilot then we’ll discuss after. The thing I like most about giving them access to the full 16k courses is it will provide us with better data as to what our people think is the most useful them using self-paced learning since they won’t be locked down to what we think they want.

Userlevel 1

@sbessen we are also providing full access via Our decision to use focused learning for courses within the LMS is mostly driven by wanting “highly suggested or required training” to be completed through LMS for reporting purposes. 

I hope your folks have a ball with all of the content from LiL! It would be fun to hear back from you about tips/tricks, successes and challenges. 😊
