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I am trying to create new users with additional fields in Docebo via the API. 

Currently I have a few additional fields that are not being set when I am creating a user. Is this possible ?




Hey Ben, 


Yes, this is certainly doable. What are API are you using? manage/v1/user? manage/v1/user/batch?



Hi Nate, 

I am creating them one at a time, batch is not needed for this process. 


I am using POST to the following endpoint in a Nodejs Express server.


with the following json object.


"email":,"password": "*********","firstname":  visitor.firstName,"lastname": visitor.lastName,"expiration":  visitor.orientationExpiryDate,"additional_fields": {  "field_9" : visitor.jobTitle,  "field_15":,  "field_18": visitor.visitorType,  "field_22": visitor.companyName,}


I also tried :


"email":,"password": "*********","firstname":  visitor.firstName,"lastname": visitor.lastName,"expiration":  visitor.orientationExpiryDate,"field_9" : visitor.jobTitle,"field_15":,"field_18": visitor.visitorType,"field_22": visitor.companyName,}

When the user is created:  email, password, firstname, lastname, expiration all get added for the user for both the above json objects, but none of the additional fields are populated. I assume its an issue with the object i’m sending over? 


The “additional” field numbers I grabbed from the GET /manage/v1/user just looking at the object that was returned there.




Gotcha. I think you need to drop the “field” prefixes, give this one a go and let me know:




Amazing, Thank you Nate! That worked!


Just another quick one, if I am trying to populate additional field of type dropdown, does it need an id for that field or is it just matching the string value ?





You bet. For the dropdown, it will want the ID of the dropdown option (still quotated though). Manage/v1/user/batch, while probably overkill for one off creations, does accept the friendly values for dropdowns if you’d rather not trouble with it. 



The reply above was very helpful, but I had trouble setting a ‘yesno’ type additional user field with the api.  I tried all the combinations I could think of then realized that a ‘yesno’ type field might actually be a dropdown. Therefore, this works (assuming the additional field is field 1):

For Yes:

"additional_fields": {"1": "1"}

For No:

"additional_fields": {"1": "2"}

Hope this saves someone some frustration.



