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Is anyone using to display their training badges on Linkedin?

Hi Salvo,

We have a client that wants to use Open Badges, we proposed a solution using Claim codes/QR codes from It could be done in two ways, learners could get a claim code in a “Learner has completed course” notification email or display the claim code and embed in an html page as the last learning object, locked before completion of the rest of the course. 

Thank you @Richard 

Hi Salvo and Richard,

We’re using Open Badges via Badgr and funnily, we’ve just been chatting to Roberto our account manager about this very thing and the benefits of using the Open Badge framework!

We’ve been importing CSVs to badger to award badges but @Richard, that’s a fantastic idea about using the claim code/QR code as the last learning object! We’re going to steal that idea :) 



We’ve been importing CSVs to badger to award badges but @Richard, that’s a fantastic idea about using the claim code/QR code as the last learning object! We’re going to steal that idea :) 


Happy to help! :slight_smile:

Hi @FionaR happy to see that you’re already part of the community :) 

Hey, @Salvo you should try out Credly. I know we are working on an integration with them, and the @Adam Ballhaussen has used them in the past as well.

Hey @Salvo! As @felipe.hernandez mentioned, we used Credly at my previous organization and successfully integrated it with Docebo.


I really love Credly’s platform as they make it easy for a learner to have a centralized profile where they can share all of their accolades and also then share them on LinkedIn. The badges have a unique credential ID that they can use on LinkedIn to link directly to an overview page that shows detailed info about the badge. We used them for our certifications!


This is my first time hearing about Open Badges and Badgr. I’m excited to learn more about them.


@Salvo @Richard @FionaR, would any of you be willing to share some screenshots to show what some of your badges look like either in Docebo and/or in these other platforms? I’d love to see how you’re leveraging them!

We’re using Open Badges via Badgr and funnily, we’ve just been chatting to Roberto our account manager about this very thing and the benefits of using the Open Badge framework!

hello @FionaR , does it allow the learner to publish his achievement on linkedin?

@Adam Ballhaussen Hi Adam, we’re more than happy to show you what @FionaR and I have in Badgr, I can send some screenshots to Roberto to forward on.

@MarcLalo Hi! Yes once Leaners have been awarded their badges they can add them to the certification area in LinkedIn


Ciao @Adam Ballhaussen here two ex that @FionaR and @AngeWi shared with me related on the tool, what do you think about it?


New guy here, so this might be dumb question. What are the benefits of using a virtual badge platform other than to get the badge to Linkedin? With our current tests, the user gets an email of completion after passing it and the email contains a link to the image on a customer-facing server that they can save and use for email signatures or social media. I haven’t dug into the process in Docebo yet (actually starting this today), so I’m just curious. If it’s possible, I like the idea of putting the image in as a training material that is accessed in the LMS after completing the test. Still leads to the question of benefits to introducing another system. 

..What are the benefits of using a virtual badge platform other than to get the badge to Linkedin? ...


Hi Steven, 

We use Docebo’s certificates with a good number of our courses and it works very well but it is a visual image of achievement. 

The benefit of awarding badges using the Open Badge Format allows you to store information within the badge.

For example, a badge could have an expiry date, describe a specific set of learning outcomes or evidenced learning that was shown during the course. You can learn more here: and here:

The Open Badge format allows our learners to show to external audiences the skills/knowledge they have gained from their courses. 



Ciao @Adam Ballhaussen here two ex that @FionaR and @AngeWi shared with me related on the tool, what do you think about it?


Thank you for sharing @Roberto Aguti@FionaR  and @AngeWi, those badges look great and it looks like Badgr makes it easy to manage badges.




@steveninfinger, I’d echo everything that @AngeWi shared. Open/digital badges allow you to market your courses or certifications by building public pages that share information about specific credentials.


When compared to something like an image file (which is still a great way to allow learners to share their achievements), a digital badge creates a unique, authentic, information-rich credential that learners can share on public channels to drive awareness of your programs within their network.


Here’s a link to Credly once more as they’re another great vendor for this type of service.


P.S. - there’s no such thing as a dumb question in this community. Your question was brilliant 🙂 I guarantee you there are others wondering this same thing! #alwayslearning

it looks like we can now share the badges on linkedin (search for “Sharing a Badge”)

has anybody tried that?

Hey @MarcLalo! Nice catch 🙂 As the disclaimer in the top of that KB article states, this functionality is currently available in sandbox and is scheduled to be made available in production environments at the beginning of September. We look forward to hearing some early feedback once customers have had a chance to test this feature in sandboxes! 

Hi there, for those using Badgr, how did you manage to link it through to Docebo and is it possible to also display the badges within the platform? We’re sort of in a tricky situation at the moment as one of our partners are moving to our platform but they have been using Badgr and it is actually one of the conditions of their migration that they are able to maintain this consistency. I hope we can find a way to do it :) Thank you! 

Hi, we have integrated Badgr through the APIs to issue new badges (more below), however we’re not having an integration back to display badges in Docebo. I may be wrong, but I don’t see any obvious place in Docebo where you could import badges for a user and display them in the UI.


For issuing badges - the integration I created is using Workato: Docebo is sending a webhook to Workato each time someone completes a course. Then in Workato we check (through the Docebo API) if that person provided us consent to pass their data to Badgr (a Yes/No filed on their profile). Then, we map the completed course to a badge, and if there is a badge for that course - we’re using the Badgr API to check if they don’t yet have this badge, and if not, issue a badge.

The flow isn’t complex, however, to make it work, it required me to write a custom Workato Connector to Badgr.

@alekwo I love the integration you’ve built with Badgr. Simple, yet extremely effective!


In regards to your comment about displaying a user’s badges in the UI of Docebo Learn, there are a few options, which I’ve shared below.


Displaying badges to your learners via Docebo Learn

1️⃣  via The Gamification side panel allows learners to view their Recently Earned Badges. It can be expanded by selecting the trophy icon in the top right of the platform.

Learners can view gamification information via the Gamification side panel in Docebo Learn


2️⃣ The My Badges and Points page allows learners to view their gamification information and share badges via LinkedIn or other social/professional networks. It can be accessed from the Gamification Side Panel, the Gamification Widget, or linked to from a Custom Content Box via /legacy/lms/index.php%3Fr%3DGamificationApp/GamificationApp/MyBadges 


The My Badges and Points page allows learners to view gamification information and share their badges


3️⃣ The Gamification Widget can be added to any page (desktop or mobile) to display gamification information to your learners. You can choose to show Badges, Leaderboards, and/or Contests via this widget. You can learn more about the gamification widget in this knowledge article.


Desktop view of the Gamification Widget


Mobile view of the Gamification Widget


I’d love to see how others in this thread have gone about sharing badges with their learners. Please share screenshots and lessons learned below! ⬇️

@Adam Ballhaussen as the question in this thread was about presenting open badges (hosted on platforms like Credly or Badgr), do you see a way to synchronize those external badges to Docebo's internal badges?

If, for each open badge, we'd define a corresponding badge in Docebo, we can configure it to be issued manually (so not related to course completion or other activity in Docebo), but then, will we have to manually assign all badges to all users? Or is there a way to automatically issue relevant Docebo badges to users who have earned open badges?

It seems to me that the Gamification API provides only a method for badge retrieval but not for issuing badges. 


Hi, we have integrated Badgr through the APIs to issue new badges (more below), however we’re not having an integration back to display badges in Docebo. I may be wrong, but I don’t see any obvious place in Docebo where you could import badges for a user and display them in the UI.


For issuing badges - the integration I created is using Workato: Docebo is sending a webhook to Workato each time someone completes a course. Then in Workato we check (through the Docebo API) if that person provided us consent to pass their data to Badgr (a Yes/No filed on their profile). Then, we map the completed course to a badge, and if there is a badge for that course - we’re using the Badgr API to check if they don’t yet have this badge, and if not, issue a badge.


The flow isn’t complex, however, to make it work, it required me to write a custom Workato Connector to Badgr.

Would you be happy to share your findings?

I’ve been playing with building a SDK for Badgr for work with Connect, but I’m not so familiar with utilising APIs.
